Contents Welcome to AD2460!So you've decided to give,a shot. You've already visited the, registered, received your password, and are now logged in.

You willbe presented with the game's UI, at the default screen of '. It will look a lot like the below screen.We'll go into plenty of detail about what you're looking at, what the options are, and how to get started in a bit. First, let's talk a bit about the background of the game.Before AD2460A few pop up windows illustrate the background of the game and the conflict you will be entering into. They are as follows:The Reckoning'Throughout time, mankind has always measured time in relation to certain significant events.

AD2460 Gameplay. AD2460 is a WMMO strategy game, which allows the player to take control of their planet. In this role, the player will need to distribute the resources of their Homeworld, engage in politics between different alliances, and direct space battles.

Our way of counting is no different. According to our records, our current prefix is actually older than our year-count. It used to have a religious significance, though as we all know, it now marks the end of our planet of origin, the planet Earth. 'After Destruction' (AD) is rarely in use, but when we use it, it is always a reminder of our history and where we came from. It is the one thing that unites us in this infinite universe.Excerpt from the text'Pasts and Predictions'by Archdoctorate Emol Gras The ScatteringAD2460 is set in the distant future, where mankind has been scattered, mostly by their own free will, across the universe.

They have created their own cultures and traditions, in many cases based on ancient national or religious customs inherited from different regions of Earth.The ability to travel throughout the universe was discovered very late in the historical cycle of Earth. A gate that would allow ships to travel almost infinite distances in an instant was discovered on the outskirts of the solar system, as space travel became more prevalent. No one knows where the gate came from, or who constructed it, but it was soon discovered that it was not an uncommon structure at all. The universe was littered with them. To date, no real clues as to their age or construction has been revealed, but mankind has nevertheless made good use of the gates, and they are in daily use throughout the known universe.Once the function of the gates was discovered, and its use no longer restricted, the scattering began. Groups of people began to travel outwards to find habitable planets in other star systems and galaxies.


With this, the slow exodus from the Sol system began. For hundreds of years, settlements were created and new nations evolved, as well as new conflicts.It was unnoticeable at first, but over time, it became apparent that new technologies and research was moving at a rapidly decreasing rate.

The population of Earth had declined over a long period, and as a result, manpower throughout the established society was becoming an increasingly critical problem. It was also known on the other inhabited planets that maintaining technologies and infrastructures was becoming problematic as the population grew.The result of this is now known as The Scattering. It wasn't just the scattering of people, but also a watering down of all knowledge, a decline in all manner of production, as well as an almost complete standstill in research.Realignment of PowerOver the next centuries, lines of communication became more open between Earth and all the other new planets. Cooperation increased, but it was slow. Historians compared this new situation to historical eras where everything required more time. Travel times, time to relay information, and time to clear up misinformation and disagreements. Things were not as efficient or instantaneous as before.

Until now, a lot of the new planets were founded on a collective idea or the notion of being a unified nation. Over centuries, the new planets also grew into societies where political polarization increased, and with this, a realignment of many of the political structures that were present after The Scattering.The new planets had found new and valuable resources. Trade increased, but also tension, as it became apparent that not everyone was dealt the same hand in this game. Trade conflicts arose, and along with this, a slowly emerging arms race began to take shape. Everything was still very slow.

Production was limited, transportation was not considerable, and the only nation with any real military power was Earth. Regardless, with the new situation in the universe, Earth was in an increasingly defensive position, and needed to assert its power before newer nations could rise to rival it.The result was disastrous.2460Although no conclusive reports remain, it is theorized that scientists on Earth were working on a weapon that would be able to target entire planets, and destroy them. Unfortunately, Earth was its first and most likely only victim. The realignment of power in the universe was complete. Almost every other nation was in its infancy in comparison to Earth, and the only link binding all other nations together was now severed.Some lines of communication were still open, but over time, each nation became more introverted, interested mostly in its own survival and progress. Minor wars broke out sporadically over access to resources. Alliances were forged and broken, but no major empires emerged.

And so it has been for a long time. The gates allow travel to and from almost every habitable planet, but increasingly militaristic systems make travel not only prohibitive, but also in many cases, dangerous.This is still the situation in 2460.The GameAD2460 is a browser-based MMO, like many before it. In this case, it is the spiritual successor to by developers Fifth Season.It is a game composed of three primary elements:. Long term, paced changes.

Every decision you make takes time. Most buildings, developments, research, and production (as well as Missions) will take minutes, hours, or even days to complete. This is not a game of instant payoff, but of delayed gratification after planning a succession of moves to lead to the resulting changes.


Decisions matter. Alliances and Enemies. Girls frontline wikipedia. It is unlikely anyone will succeed alone in this game. It is very social. You will want to join an Alliance, probably earlier than later, to avoid being attacked and alone. Enemies exist everywhere.

You are ripe for the picking if you are a lone gunman, but your Alliance will also open you up to conflict. This is the spice of the game and fuels many decisions you make. Combat.

Combat plays out visually and is often brutal. Hollow knight download switch. The build up of a fleet, the production of ships and grooming of Commanders can come to a head and end swiftly. A sweeping victory is fist pump worthy, but a devastating loss can set you back hours or days. Combat occurs at your Homeworld and Outposts, and can come at any time.Getting StartedThat screen up top? It has a lot of info. Well, things, on it.