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Updated March 22 @ 9:30 a.m. CDT

An Update From Best Buy

To Our Customers:

Across the country these past several days, you have come to our stores to buy the technology and household necessities that are so valuable at a time like this. We remain determined to continue to serve you and are announcing today a new way of making our stores accessible while even further enhancing customer and employee safety.

In our stores

Beginning Sunday, March 22, we will offer contactless curbside service at all locations across the country where state or local laws allow. Rather than ask you to come into our stores, any items you order on or the Best Buy app will be delivered to your car curbside. If, for any reason, you didn’t order the product in advance and the product is in stock in the store, one of our employees will be more than happy to go get it in the store and sell it to you while you remain in your car. This service also extends to returns and exchanges, the period for which has been extended on most products so that you have more time. Only employees will be allowed in the store, but we are determined to serve you as fully as we can. Unfortunately, we are temporarily unable to continue our product trade-in and recycling services.

For those who want to continue shopping with us online or on the app, we will, of course, still get you what you want.

In your home

As you know, Best Buy works in millions of customer homes each year, and we have long been proud of the services we provide. Because of the increased concern for you, your families and our employees, we have made the decision to suspend currently scheduled installations, haul-aways or repairs for large items like refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers and TVs.

Beginning Monday, March 23, we will no longer deliver these large products into your home and will, instead, offer free doorstep delivery. This means we will take the item as close as we possibly can to the front door of your home without bringing it inside. We know that this change will be inconvenient, and we are truly sorry. It was made with our employees’ and your best interests at heart. If you have an order scheduled for installation in the next 30 days, please expect an email or text from Best Buy about your delivery options.


Speaking of our employees, everyone working right now is doing so on a voluntary basis, and all hourly employees who volunteer are receiving a temporary pay increase. Additionally, anyone feeling sick is told to stay home, and they will be paid for that time. Finally, anyone exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 is also told to stay home, with pay, and we are paying employees who may need to stay home to care for their children.

All of us at Best Buy are grateful that so many states and localities believe we are an essential business, allowing us to continue to serve you when you need it most. We thank you for your patience and loyalty and look forward to continuing to provide you with the technology and home essentials you require to stay connected and work and learn from home. Thank you.

Updated March 19 @ 7:40 a.m. CDT

A Note From Best Buy CEO Corie Barry

To Our Customers,

Earlier this week, we announced changes to how Best Buy will run our business in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Against this backdrop, I wanted to share some of my thoughts about what we’re facing and how Best Buy is responding.

Right now, our role as a consumer electronics retailer is rapidly shifting and we are striving to make the best decisions with two goals in mind: The first is to protect our customers, employees and their families. The second is to do the best we can to serve the millions of Americans who are looking to us for increasingly vital technology tools to stay connected, as well as household necessities.

You are turning to us for help getting the technology that allows you to continue running a small business or shift your usual job from an office setting to your home. You are turning to us to help your children continue their education outside of their classroom. And, you are turning to us for necessities that allow you to store and prepare food for your family.

With these needs in mind and given our commitment to keep our employees and customers safe, we are shortening our store hours this week, and on March 23, will begin permitting only a small number of customers into the store at a time so we can enforce the necessary social distancing guidelines. We are also working to enhance our curbside service and strongly recommend you take advantage of this whenever possible.

As for our employees, let me start by saying this: We will not make any employee work if they aren’t comfortable doing so. Further, if an employee is sick or needs to take care of their children home from school, we are paying them. Additionally, with our reduced hours and less staff in the stores, we are paying affected employees for their regularly scheduled hours.

We are in a difficult time and find ourselves in uncharted waters. My best wishes to you and your family as we navigate the days ahead together.

Corie Barry, Chief Executive Officer

Best Buy

Updated March 17 @ 5:58 p.m. CDT

The situation we’re facing as a company and as individuals is unprecedented and changing at a pace all of us are working to keep up with. We are making the best decisions we can with two goals in mind: protecting employees, customers and their respective families, while trying our best to serve the millions of Americans who rely on us for increasingly vital technology that keeps them connected to their school and work, and for the appliances necessary to help them store and prepare food. Demand is high for these necessities, including for the millions of children who will now rely on technology to continue their education online.

Even as we meet this demand, we’ve already adjusted how we operate in many ways to improve safety. We believe it makes sense to keep our stores open in those places where it is allowed and advisable. We are, however, making a series of changes:

Starting Wednesday, March 18, store hours will be reduced to 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time. We will revisit on an ongoing basis the decision to remain open with shorter hours, but our intention is to operate this way through Sunday, March 22.

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Starting Monday, March 23, and at least for the next two weeks, we will serve our customers through limited access to our stores and curbside pickup. This will be done with the intent of substantially reducing the number of people in stores (only 10-15 customers at a time) and hours will remain 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.

There will only be a few employees in the store, and customers will be able to:

  • Take advantage of limited services within the store, including finding a specific product. Customers will be escorted by an employee, maintaining the recommended social distancing separation of 6 feet and following the official guidance to not allow clusters of 10 or more people
    • Pick up a product at curbside that they ordered ahead of time on or the Best Buy app
    • Drop off a product for Geek Squad repair

Of course, customers can still order on and have their products shipped directly to their homes. Deliveries and installations will continue wherever permitted and under strict safety guidelines. All in-home consultations will be done virtually as of Wednesday, March 18.

These changes also require fewer employees working at any one time, and we intend to give employees not working two weeks’ pay. We have also relaxed our absence policy and will not penalize employees for missing work.

Posted March 10 @ 3:38 p.m. CDT

To our customers,

Like so many of you, we have spent the last several days andweeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting ourworld. For Best Buy, that means understanding how it affects our employees,customers and communities, and then making the necessary adjustments to ourwork and operations.

We have one simple objective that guides us: keeping you andour employees safe. This has been at the center of our conversations every stepof the way. With that in mind, we have made several moves in our business inresponse to the threat of the coronavirus.

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We have ramped up cleaning services at our stores and areadding hand sanitizer at the front entrances and at all cash registers.Sanitizing wipes are near workstations and counters so that employees can keepthem continuously cleaned. Age of empires 3 free download full game.

We are closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s(CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help preventthe spread of the virus. We have shared specific instructions with ouremployees on the importance of washing their hands and staying home if theyfeel sick or are returning from an area of the world identified as posing acoronavirus-related risk. Per CDC recommendations, we will ask employees whohave traveled to such locations or have been exposed to others who havetraveled to such locations to self-quarantine for 14 days.

A strict travel policy for our employees is in place, and wehave canceled meetings with large gatherings, again to do what we can to helpprevent the spread of the illness.

If you don’t feel well, or choose not to visit one of ourstores, of course we are ready to serve you at or through the BestBuy app.

We know that many of you have scheduled in-homeconsultations, deliveries, installations or repairs with us. If you have anyconcerns, we will be happy to partner with you to reschedule your appointmentat no additional cost. Simply call 1 888 BEST BUY, and we will take care of it.For in-home consultations, we offer options for phone or video conversations withour experts if you so choose.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation and do allwe can to protect you and our employees.

Thank you.