2020-2-13  Mordheim: City of the Damned offers hardcore tactical turn-based combat set inside the Warhammer universe. Which your army at risk with each and every move you make, the pressure of the commander has never been so real. This article is a stub. You can help Mordheim: City of the Damned Wiki by expanding it. Blade of Darkness - Cult of the Possessed Act I, Part II. There Will be.

The masters’ crow cawed aloud, sending a shiverdown Vaergil’s spine.“Theravens lusts for the flesh of the outlanders and so do I. As the blessedchildren of the comet, we must ensure that this holy place stays in our hands, the hands of the chosen!” The prophet ranted on about being chosen, as Vaergilhad heard him do on countless occasions. The man’s face was hidden beneath ablack veil; his grey eyes the only thing that could be seen through a slit inhis torn garment.

Mordheim blade of darkness

He felt the shiver grow to a quaking sensation as he begun tothink about what the prophet said. The invaders had decided to take theirbeloved home for themselves, ransacking their houses and pillaging theirstreets in search of the pieces of the holy rock that Sigmar had tossed upon theirblessed city.“Those who set foot in our city without beinginvited shall be renounced with tooth and nail! Their blood will wash the taintfrom the earth, and their bones will be the masonry with which we shall rebuildthis place of holiness!” the prophet ranted on.Vaergil looked at the kneeling man in front ofthe prophet, a prisoner.

The shackled man was still wearing his flamboyantclothes and weapons, making him look rather pathetic as he cowered in front ofthe tattered man, ranting on about the mans’ judgement.They had encountered a band of mercenaries fromMarienburg who thought they could take their holy stones. Vaergil looked uponhis leader, the black clad man with the veil, and felt pride to be one of thechosen.

They had not moved an inch as the Marienburgers had attacked, and eventhough some of them fell to the invaders’ weapons, they had pressed on, rippingtheir foes to pieces. Their leader had tried to run away, but the oldblacksmith, Hentold, smashed the mans leg with his giant hammer. Now, his bodylittered the street, feeding the ravens circling the skies. Vaergil looked overto Hentold as he stood beside the master, leering with a twitching eye. Jotun valhalla edition loki god power.

On theother side of the master stood Grumer. Vaergil had known most of his companionsbefore the comet, but Grumer was a mystery. One day, he had emerged from thedarkness of the crater in which the comet, Sigmars Fist, rested. He hadimmediately found his place at the side of the master. Sometimes Vaergil hadseen the master whisper in the ear of Grumer, who always nodded frantically atthe prophets words. Grumers’ fists were still bloody, Vaergil noticed.

He hadseen the giant of a man tear the arms of one of the younger Marienburgers. Theboy had screamed in agony before Grumer crushed his skull between his mightypalms.Some of the young orphans moved around in the crowd, handing out piecesof looted weapons and gold, or even small pieces of the holy rocks. The orphanswere perhaps the most blessed of all, Vaergil thought to himself. They hadnever known the outside world, and were truly children of Mordheim. He enviedthem. He smiled and ruffled the hair of one of them who walked past him.“ and your limp bodies will form a wall ofdeath around this city, growing ever larger for every man who enters the gatesof Mordheim!” The master said as Vaergil snapped out from his thoughts and once more looked at the prophet.

The hunched man raised his blade over his head and let it fall upon theshackled man in front of him. Without a sound, the terrified man fell to theground, blood spurting from his chest. At once, all onlookers cheered, fillingthe streets with the screams of the children of Mordheim:“Death to the invaders!”.