Crackdown 2 Achievements - Crackdown 2 has a total of 70 achievements worth 1500 points. View the complete list of Crackdown 2 achievements and icons on 360-HQ.COM. Achievements Achievement Description 25 Ways to Die (10) Find 25 unique ways to destroy your cloned body. All Under Control (20) Secure.


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Agent, what are you waiting for? Get the Crackdown demo now and help your friends rid this city of lowlife scum!Crackdown 2 is due July 6th in the US and July 9th in Europe.Crackdown 2 features 16 player multiplayer with two game modes, Deathmatch and Rocket Tag with seamless jump-in jump-out.It also features 4 player co-op in the campaign, also seamless jump-in, jump-out! This differs from the original game, where co-op was featured, but had to be set up ahead of time. Seamless jump-in co-op should be in every game, as far as I'm concerned!GameTrailers has just released two videos of the start of the Crackdown campaign experience:I would not say that there are any real spoilers in the walkthroughs.

They are just going through some of the gameplay mechanics. For that matter, Crackdown has never been about story, so I'm not sure that spoilers would actually spoil anything.GameTrailers has just released two MORE videos of the start of the Crackdown campaign experience:These vids are getting a bit more spoilerish, talking about the freaks in the game.In Crackdown 2, the roadways are all much the same as in Crackdown 1. But the buildings have changed.I played the game myself at PAX East, and I posted some impressions of the game in the XBox 360 thread. I played Crackdown 2 at PAX East. The graphics look awesome. It seems to be even more colorful than the original game.

The frame rate is solid. The gameplay is just as fast and as awesome as you would expect it to be. Deathmatch has vehicles in it, including the helicopter!The devs manning the stations were awesome. They worked their asses off all weekend long, and they are really proud of their game. One of them was standing behind me as I played, letting me know what I should be doing. 'You have proximity mines! Spread them out all over the place and they will kill people even when you aren't there!

Each kill with a mine is worth 30 points!' I told him that I needed him standing behind me while I'm playing the game, to which he replied, 'I actually come with every boxed copy of the game.' I think one of the devs let me in on a secret about the agency tower, if I understood him correctly, but I'm not sure if I should spoil it.There is a quad damage power up.


When you get it, your agent ends up with evil looking purple horns that grow out of the sides of his head! The purple color reminds me a lot of Quake III's quad damage power up. In fact, the speed and flying agents reminds me a lot of Quake III, too.There is also a cloaking power up. You slowly start to fade once you pick it up, and you get a predator style ripple to your silhouette. But as you shoot, you start to become more visible.

Shoot for a few seconds, and you are completely visible, but will start to cloak again once you let off the trigger. Best bet is to sneak up next to someone and melee them. You get more points for melee kills, and your cloaking won't go away.Weapons are scattered around the level.

Can't remember if they go away when you pick one up.There are headshots in the game, and you get more points for getting a head shot compared to a normal kill.This is easily my most anticipated game right now. I can't wait!Turns out that the guy standing behind me was Creative Director, Billy Thomson from this interview:And I made an off-screen video of the Rocket Tag gameplay:And you can find more PAX Crackdown 2 videos here. Instead of focusing on Stephen Totillo's rant about what isn't in the game, I'm going to post Joystiq's post about what IS in the game:Apparently missions in the game that are meant to be played by more than one person in co-op form will be marked with an XBox Live icon. So some missions are customized for co-op, which is pretty darn cool. Much better than just throwing 4 people at missions meant for 1 person.And rather than leveling up vehicles themselves, this time different types of vehicles will be your reward for leveling up driving. The last level is the helicopter, which should make orb hunting easier, but still not a walk in the park.

Here's hoping the driving XP in Crackdown 2 is more fun to acquire than it was in Crackdown. That was the only skill I didn't level up to max; the driving didn't work well enough (for me) to use for anything other than grinding the driving skill. So there was little incentive to grind it up.Of course, a helicopter is incentive to grind it up.but only because there will (presumably) be orbs you need the chopper to get.If the driving is better-integrated into the rest of the game, this will be fine. If not, though, this will frustrate me.None of which changes the fact that I will have this pre-ordered for launch day delivery. Here's hoping the driving XP in Crackdown 2 is more fun to acquire than it was in Crackdown.

That was the only skill I didn't level up to max; the driving didn't work well enough (for me) to use for anything other than grinding the driving skill. So there was little incentive to grind it up.Of course, a helicopter is incentive to grind it up.but only because there will (presumably) be orbs you need the chopper to get.If the driving is better-integrated into the rest of the game, this will be fine. If not, though, this will frustrate me.None of which changes the fact that I will have this pre-ordered for launch day delivery.I'm with you on this one. I leveled everything except driving before I beat the game and stopped playing. Crackdown 2 is one of the few games that I would buy even if it were just a content update to the first one.

Pacific fleet game. Crackdown was just that much fun to play. Strange to think that prior to the demo coming out people thought including the Halo 3 MP beta was just to get them to buy the game.That said there are a few things that needed changing to reduce frustration and irritation:. Give us some direction as to where the agility orbs are.

I don't mean put a marker on the map, but an individual counter for each island would have helped the late game search enormously. Remove the damn car race challenges. I know it's not gonna happen, but driving was no fun and the races were simply frustrating. Especially the ones where the time requirement meant you had to use the Agency Supercar BUT most of the race had significant sections where the car wouldn't fit. Increase the number of foot races. These were fun because the running/jumping platforming was so much fun. These can be tweaked to allow or require a vehicle through sections of the race.

More ginormous buildings similar to the Agency or Wang's Towers. Remove the damn car race challenges. I know it's not gonna happen, but driving was no fun and the races were simply frustrating. Especially the ones where the time requirement meant you had to use the Agency Supercar BUT most of the race had significant sections where the car wouldn't fit.They have actually paid attention to this, supposedly. It's much easier to upgrade your car skills because the streets are full of mutants at night, with few citizens around. So you can just drive around running mobs over to grind out your skill level. Yes indeed, acheivements!(cross posted from the Gamerscore Whore thread)CRACKDOWN 2 ACHIEVEMENTS YAY!Here are some of the highlights!