While challenging, Farm Frenzy 3 is more balanced than earlier installments of the series. You can breed birds instead of buying them, for example, and dress the bears you catch in silly outfits and sell them for more money. Manage five different farms around the world and try your hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making in Farm Frenzy 3! Enjoy outrageously fun levels, wacky animals and more upgrades than there.

Game DescriptionManage five farms around the world and try your hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making in Farm Frenzy 3! Features 95 outrageously fun levels, 30 wacky animals and more upgrades than there are ears in a field of corn!

What's more, as you grow crops, feed animals, collect produce and manufacture goods, you'll be treated to some of the zaniest animation to ever grace a casual game! Will you help Scarlett become the president of the farmers union by earning the votes of the people she helps? Find out when you go back to the farm in Farm Frenzy 3!Download size: 75 MB.

GeneralFactory Upgrades: In this game, you will need to upgrade your factories to be able to start almost every level. You can go back and repeat levels to get more stars.During game play, you can upgrade the factories even while they are making product. This is sometimes crucial and can save you a second or two that you need to make gold. Upgrading the factories makes them produce at a faster rate. Even though you may only have enough raw products to produce two items, upgrading the factory to be able to produce 3, 4, or 5 of the item will improve the production time of the two items.When I indicate upgrading the factories in the walkthrough, upgrade them regardless of whether they are currently producing or how many of the item you are producing. The upgrades improve time.Upgrades for warehouse, truck, cat, dog, helicopter, and well: I like to get the cage upgraded as quickly as possible, because on some of the levels, you may need the bears before the dogs get to them.

I personally don’t like to upgrade the dog right away, because in this version, the dogs don’t get stronger, there are more of them, and they don’t cage the bears for you, they destroy them. I also like to get the warehouse, truck, helicopter and cat upgraded quickly. The well upgrades can wait until the later levels where you will need more water. This version seems to finally have enough space for the bears and products without having to fully upgrade the warehouse.Map and Level Order: The map in this version can be very confusing at first.

At many of the intersections, upgrades will allow you to go to levels not in any specific order. For the purposes of this walkthrough, and so you can find the level you may need help with easily, I’ve written this with the levels in numerical order. You don’t have to follow the levels in order through the game to be able to complete it; you can go any direction at the intersections, provided you have the needed upgrades.Tutorials: There are very few tutorial levels in this game, and this seems to finally be a very challenging Frenzy.

Farm Frenzy Pizza Party has excellent tutorial levels.Robots, Fuel, and Animals: This game also introduces the robots, which run on fuel, rather than grass. At any time you have robots and animals, be sure to have fuel for the robots, and don’t forget to water the grass for the animals. You buy the fuel from the store on the helicopter. When it arrives, it will be placed randomly on the farm area. You cannot pick up the fuel.

Dinopark tycoon. 'We know kids love everything about dinosaurs and tried to figureout how we could tie that in to a little that teaches about business,' saysDean Kephardt of MECC.Don't get the idea that this is a takeoff on the movie Jurassic Park.

The robots will go to the fuel when they need it. The bears, however, can delete the fuel if they run over it or land on it, so try to capture bears before they get your fuel. If they do get the fuel, be sure to replace it as quickly as possible.Selling Products: Whenever you send the truck to sell your products, you want to look to see how much money you will need, and secondly, how full is your warehouse. My own 'rule of thumb' is to send the products in descending order by how much they are worth.

Farm Frenzy 3

For example, cakes are worth $200 each, and cookies are worth $100 each, so I would sell the cakes first. Then sell the bears 1 at a time with each truckload. In general, keep the truck going back and forth with as full a load as possible for the maximum profit, while still getting the bears out of the warehouse.Technique for Watering the Grass: When watering the grass, be sure to place the grass patches low on the screen, right on top of the warehouse and to the right of the grass area. This will keep your animals away from the bears, for the most part. The bears usually come down near the top and left of the grass area.If I have not specified watering the grass in the instructions, be sure to water the grass as needed to keep your animals alive. Fit watering the grass in as you are comfortable with the 'Farm Frenzy rhythm' for each level.

For each level that needs animals purchased right away, I’ve found it easiest to buy the animals first, and then water the grass. The extra few seconds may be the difference between silver and gold on some levels.Starting a Level Over for Gold: Whenever a bear tosses an animal, simply restart the level.

There are very few levels that you can achieve gold if an animal is missing, or you have to buy again. Even if there are no money goals, this can slow your production by a few seconds on some levels.I’ve found it very helpful when I start a level to take a good first look at everything I have, don’t have, and can purchase. Sometimes you can purchase items and don’t have to buy the animals to make them. Then figure out your strategy for the level, and simply start over.Getting Gold: Some levels have little to no time for error to get gold.

On these levels, it is good to have a plan of what you are going to do before you start them. On these levels, and any others to get better time, you can start buying the animals as soon as you click on start, as the buildings are falling to start the level.Endless Mode: This will be unlocked when you complete Level 45 in the Career Mode. In the Endless Mode, it is simply patience and getting the goals as quickly as possible that will get you through it. There will be more goals as you achieve the goals shown. You need stars and money to buy the buildings.

You earn stars by achieving the goals and money by selling your wares as usual. In the version I have, the Tractor/Iron/Robot factory does not work, so the tractor and iron goals cannot be achieved. The Robots can still be achieved by buying them.The following walkthrough is how I’ve personally achieved the gold ranks, goals and awards. In no way am I implying that this is the only way or best way to get the goals and awards.II. AwardsAwards that you will achieve simply by playing the game long enough:1.

Collecting 300 products.2. Completing every level.3. Allowing bears to throw out 30 animals. Even with being careful about watering, the bears will toss an animal here and there. You should have this by Level 30 or so without having to sit through levels and watch the bears toss your animals out for the sole purpose of achieving this award.4. Collecting every award.5. Selling 50 dressed bears.6.

Earning gold rank on every level.7. Purchasing 10 robots.8. Purchasing every upgrade.9. Purchasing every upgrade in Endless Mode.10.

Saving 1 million coins in Endless Mode.11. Saving 1 million stars in Endless Mode.12. Selling 100 bears.Awards that will require some skill or patience, or both:13. Completing a level in record time: On any of the first few levels, using this walkthrough should get you this award.14. Completing a level without clicking the well: See Level 5 below.15. Playing patiently: Play any level for 45:00.

I like Level 60 for this.16. Saving $1 million coins: In this game, your coins are not saved and summed for each level, but are assessed as double the coins you achieve in one level. The easiest level I have found to achieve this is Level 60.17. Having 50 animals on the farm: I’ve found Level 60 to be easiest for this, as well.

Animals include dogs and cats.You can get 15, 16, and 17 in Level simultaneously. I’ve included instructions in the walkthrough for both achieving the gold time and getting these awards.18. Completing a level with bears without clicking a single bear. See Level 35 below.19.

Completing a level without clicking any products or predators. Level 43 is a good level for this award.

Do not try to get the silver or gold time while working on this award.Make sure your dogs are at max upgrade for this. You start off with 1 cat. When you start the level, buy at least 2 sets of dogs. Keep the sheep, and sell the wools as they make it. Upgrade the truck and warehouse twice.

Buy another cat. When the initial bear attacks subside (at around 1:00), buy a cow. Be sure to have at least $5100 on hand at any time, to be able to buy another cat and set of dogs, in case the bears toss the cats and you run out of dogs.As you have the additional money, buy the items you will need to complete the level. You can make 5 cakes, and then buy the items needed to make 5 mega cakes; this will give you extra money. After selling some of the mega cakes and cheese, buy 2 more cows. Be sure to have at least 3 cats and 3 sets of dogs at any time. Be careful to water low on the screen, near the top of the warehouse and to the right.When watering, be sure to avoid clicking on any wools or milk on the ground.

Only click on the building when the cats have picked up the items. Be careful not to catch any falling products from the plane, even the souvenirs. If you lose a souvenir, wait, and buy another one. Just be patient.

You should be able to get this award playing this level in about 7 to 8 minutes.20. Allowing bears to destroy 3 buildings. If you do not have this by Level 90, start Level 90.

You do not have to finish the level to get this award. Cage bears, but do not warehouse them. When they break out of the cages, some of them will crash into the buildings. Cage bears and let them break out until you have this award.21.

Completing every level in record time. You do not actually have to complete all the levels in record time. You only need 20 levels in record time. If you follow this walkthrough, and it is your first or second time playing the game, and no one else has played it with other characters, you should be able to easily get this before Level 40.22. Completing a level without using any tips.

See level 51. A 'tip' is any time one of those arrows appears when the warehouse is too full, when you need to fill the well, or when you don’t have enough money to fill the well. Level 51 is perfect for this, as you don’t have to worry about the grass or the warehouse.III. WalkthroughLevel 1. Start with 1 turkey and $500. Goal: 6 eggs.

Stars for completion and silver = 25, for gold = 100. Gold completion time limit = 1:00.Buy 5 turkeys for a total of 6, water the grass once, and collect the eggs.Level 2. Start with $90 and one dog. Goal: 2 turkeys and 2 eggs. Stars for completion = 50, silver = 25, gold = 150. Gold completion time limit = 1:10.The dog will get the first bear.

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Cage the next 2 bears and send them to town. When the truck returns, buy 2 turkeys, and collect the eggs.Level 3. Start with $100.

Goal: 2 egg powders and $300. Stars for completion = 100, silver = 200, gold = 250. Gold completion time limit = 2:50.Buy 1 turkey.Water the grass.Cage the first bear and sell.Cage the second bear and sell.Buy the Egg Powder Plant.Make 2 egg powders.Cage the next bear, then sell the bear and the 2 egg powders.