Somewhat similar to the hit Maxis game SimCity, SimEarth: The Living Planet gives the player complete control of a planet, and must find a way to develop sentient life.

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Feb 03, 2016  SimEarth puts you in charge of an entire planet throughout its 10 billion year lifespan. Your ultimate task is to guide the planet’s inhabitants into the stars, from its humble single-celled roots. The main threats you face include pollution, disease, famine, war and global warming. The controls available to you include the chance to move.

  • Game developer
    • Maxis Software Inc.
  • Game publisher
    • Maxis Software Inc.
  • Game published
    • 1990
  • Game perspective
    • Top-down
  • Game theme
    • Ecology / Nature
    10 votes

SimEarth: The Living Planet is a 1990 life simulation game created by Maxis. Players can take control of an entire planet, controlling it’s various life forms, editing weather and natural disasters, and watching as they evolve and die through the many years in which the player can control the planet. Play SimEarth: The Living Planet online!

SimEarth allows the player to work from various scenarios and worlds, and life forms include dinosaurs, birds, insects, fish, even machine life.


The controls available to you include the chance to move mountains and continents, creating different levels of species, and unleash tidal waves and earthquakes so as to reshape your planet. All of these things take from your limited energy, which must be replenished.

  • Basketball
  • Licensed Title
  • SimEarth is a simulation in which you can shape and mold a planet in almost every way you can imagine. In SimEarth our planet is simulated as a whole: life, climate, atmosphere are all aspects of a single Gaia-like Earth. SimEarth can be played in two modes: game and experimental. In game mode, you have to to develop (and preserve) Earth with limited energy levels. In experimental mode, you are given unlimited energy to do what you want in a classic sandbox style.
    Screenshots taken by Abandonware DOS. Open SimEarth screenshots in a new tab.
    DOS, Windows 3.x
    educational, top down

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    Games that run on Windows 3.x only can't run on recent Windows systems.


    Additional info

    Input: keyboard, mouse

    Play friendly duels with other players. Knights & brides game help Build you own city!.

    Distributed on: 3,5 floppy disk, 5,25 floppy disk, cd-rom

    Sound cards supported: Adlib, Covox, Sound Blaster, PC speaker, Tandy,

    Also published for: Amiga, FM Towns, Macintosh, PC-98, SEGA CD, SNES

    Abandonware DOS views: 7583


    • Will Wright fansite (fansite)


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    • 1991 - Best Simulation Program, CODiE Awards.
    • 1991 - Best Secondary Education Program, CODiE Awards.

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