The dude perfect slam disc is durable, and seems to be made well. Also, it was very easy to put together and should be hours of fun. Greatproduct, December 28, 2016. Please take a minute to review. Smash Dude is the most awesomest dude on the store! Choose a weapon or create your own, then attack for hilarious interactive stress relief. Add some laughs to your day - Join in the fun with over 3 million users and download now for free!

Smash Dude® is one of the best ragdoll dummy games on the Appstore! Choose a weapon or create your own, then attack for hilarious interactive stress relief.


QueenJelly, THE AD FOR SMASH DUDE 2 WONT GO AWAYEvery time I open the app and click play, an ad for smash dude 2 or your second version of this game pops up. And when I click the X button the ad either keeps bringing me to the App Store or doesn’t work’- I don’t know what’s going on but that one bug is very aggravating especially when you downloaded this app to relieve stress😂overall the game play is pretty good except every time you pick a new weapon and come back the same ad keeps popping up, or when you go to settings and “clear smash dude” the same ad pops up.point is every time you click somthing the ad for the second version of smash dude pops up. Maggie Mao., Stress relief, but.Okay so I first downloaded this game as a stress reliever and it did make me feel better in a few minutes. However, it would definitely NOT suit teenagers because it's just not right to let them get happiness/ comfort from harassing someone (even though it's an effigy), especially when they're not adults and might potentially get affected into the action of violence/ bullying irl. The age limit should thus be at least 17+ instead of 12+ like what it is for right now. Other than that, the game is a pretty good stress relief and a good app to make yourself feel better during dark times.

Capin nugget, I'm not recommending but I like the gameThe game does release stress and it is fun but some people view it as bullying and promoting bowling now if you think that it doesn't promote Blaine that I am not recommend this app but if you think that doesn't and it's just the stress layover then I'd recommend this app the reason I said I'm not recommending this but I like it is because of the fact that I don't know what type of person you are. But other than that the app is free fun but I haven't finished again completely and I can imagine it gets boring after you finish it.

Brief nudity, female breasts. Ship simulator extremes pc. Characters shown engaging in sexual intercourse and oral sex. One of the characters is shown masturbating in the girls' restroom of her high school.

Frequent talk of sex, of looking for boys and men to have sex with at clubs and at parties. While hanging out, friends discuss whether they would rather have 'penises for fingers or vaginas for ears,' leading to one of the characters talking of how if she had both, she could use her fingers to have sex with her ears and ejaculate in her head.

Parents need to know that Dude is a 2018 coming-of-age dramedy about four teen girls trying to make sense of their lives in the weeks before high school graduation. The movie was released by Netflix on '4/20,' and much of the marketing is centered on how much marijuana the four lead characters smoke. While there definitely is a lot of weed smoking - as well as ingesting it in other forms, such as 'weed mint strips,' and plenty of weed-themed puns like 'Donkey Bong' and 'Jon Bong Jovi,' there's also a lot of drinking and some drug-taking as well. The drinking leads to consequences much worse than hangovers: The lead character is raped at a party by an extremely drunk boy. When not talking about being stoned or wanting to be stoned, the four lead characters talk a lot about sex and wanting to have sex. The lead character is shown having sex with a boy (brief nudity of her breasts) - intercourse and then oral sex. Another lead character, after flirting with the librarian of the school, runs off to the girls' restroom to masturbate and is shown from the waist up engaging in the act.

In addition to the rape scene, a large part of the overall story concerns how the lead character's boyfriend was killed in a car accident the year before, and the grieving process for the boy's family (his sister is one of the four lead characters). In DUDE, when not getting high on weed, going to parties, and asking the question, 'Where the d-k at?' Four teen best friends - Lily , Chloe , Amelia , and Rebecca - are counting down the days left until they can graduate from their blissed-out Los Angeles alternative high school while also dreading what the future holds for them and their friendships. The year before, Chloe's brother, Thomas, (who was also Lily's boyfriend) died in a car accident, and even during the best of times, his tragic passing hangs over all of them as they struggle to make sense of all the impending change staring them in the face. As Lily tries to focus on having as much fun as possible with her friends, she also struggles with the idea of losing Chloe when Chloe decides to stay closer to home for college rather than following Lily to college life in New York City. But through the good times and bad, through crushes and hookups with younger and older boys and men, these four must find a way to maintain their close friendships beyond high school.

Avalon legends solitaire online. This is an ambitious coming-of-age dramedy, despite being marketed as more of a 'stoner comedy.' While there are moments that could make it a stoner comedy, that's actually not the dominant aspect to the movie. It's what makes Dude so ambitious but also confusing. Sometimes it's a movie where four teen girls living in LA sit around swimming pools getting high or being hung over while saying things like, 'Ugh.

I want froyo,' and accidentally getting the family dog baked on weed mint strips before going out to clubs to party and hook up with boys. At other times, it moves into intense melodrama on themes like sexual assault, the untimely death of a peer, and parents who ghosted on their families. While there are plenty of coming-of-age movies that have managed to strike the right balance between raunchy comedy and the difficult issues common to the late teen years, there's a sense with Dude of trying too hard to be all these things.Perhaps it wants to be meets meets meets meets any number of 1980s raunchy teen sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll comedies. At its best, Dude is a welcome addition to the above, despite its flaws. The acting, in spite of it being entirely 20-something beautiful actors playing teenagers (for all the trials these characters face, acne clearly isn't one of them), is excellent. And, in a cameo as a hippie teacher, steals the scene in what might be the funniest part of the movie. There's a lot of good to this, and the ambition deserves and earns respect, but the extremes between tragedy and comedy, coupled with a too-convenient ending, stand in the way of a good movie being great.Families can talk about coming-of-age movies.

How does Dude compare to other movies in which teens struggle to make sense of the changes happening inside and around them?.How did the movie portray drug and alcohol use? Did it seem realistic or did it seem over-the-top and glamorized for entertainment's sake? Were there consequences?.Traditionally, raunchy coming-of-age movies center on teen boys who go to parties, take drugs and alcohol, and try to find girls to have sex with. How is this movie different?

How are girls and women usually portrayed in movies like these?