Contents.Psychic Phase in General Psychic powers are used in their own phase, after moving but before shooting. Every psyker knows some set of powers, can attempt to manifest some number of powers per friendly Psychic phase, and can attempt to deny some number of psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. In Matched Play, only the Smite power, which all psykers know by default unless their rules say otherwise, can be spammed; all other powers can only be attempted once per turn. 0: Generate Psychic Powers Psychic powers are generated before the game starts, but after list construction (you do not need to commit to your known powers until after you know your enemy's list). A given psyker has access to a certain number of powers from some Discipline, with the Discipline ordinarily set by the model's faction; in addition, unless its rules explicitly say otherwise, all psykers know the Smite power. A Discipline has three powers in it, and you may generate your powers by rolling D3s (re-rolling duplicates), or you can simply pick the power(s) your psyker knows, which is what you should always do, as you should be building your list with a clear role for each psyker in it. 2: Casting Powers Roll some number of dice; the number is typically 2, but your psyker's datasheet may say otherwise, such as rolling only 1 die, and various abilities may modify this.

Rarely, you may add or subtract a constant from the rolled value - as usual, your datasheets will indicate this (or, if other models are modifying your rolls, their datasheets). If you equal or exceed the power's warp charge value, and you live through the attempt (see below), you succeed at the power; otherwise, the power fizzles.Make sure you record somehow (such as by putting the dice aside, although any additive modifiers do also apply) the result of the dice roll if you succeed; some powers resolve (see below) differently based on your roll. 3: Deny the Witch Any model capable of denying a psychic power (which is any psyker, and certain other models with special rules) within range (24', unless otherwise specified) can attempt to Deny the Witch, up to the number of times specified on their datasheet.

SMITE Tactics is a turn-based strategy game where you are in control of leading the gods to victory. Build an army from a huge roster of mythological gods and creatures like Zeus, the Greek God of the Sky, and Odin, the Norse Allfather.

The opposing player can nominate any eligible model to attempt to Deny. Regardless of the number of models that can attempt a Deny, the opposing player can only try once to deny each successfull casting. The opposing player rolls their Deny the Witch test - typically 2 dice - and has to exceed the total the caster got.

If the opposing player does so, the power fizzles. 4: Resolve Power If you made it this far (cast successfully, psyker lived, not denied), resolve the power as specified in the power's rules, as modified by the rules on the psyker, etc.

To give you an idea of how likely this is, here is a table summarizing your chances. By and large, each Faction has its own Discipline, although exceptions abound. Accordingly, the Disciplines below are sorted by Faction.

The range of a power is always measured from the psyker casting it. When the target is 'Closest X', that means the closest X that is also within range - when Closest is not specified, the controlling player may choose any X within range. Visible, similarly, always means this power is restricted to X within Line of Sight of the casting psyker. 'Aura' abilities are bubbles - legal target units are affected when and only when they are within the bubble (the psyker is always within the bubble).

Remember that 'Closest Visible' powers can be manipulated by, during Movement, rotating the caster to manipulate what units he can and cannot see. Psychic powers of the same name are considered the same power across multiple disciplines, but powers with identical rules are not. Smite Overview Smite is not actually in a discipline, and all Psykers know it by default unless otherwise noted. Many psykers, such as Zoanthropes, Warlocks or Grey Knights, have special rules that modify how it works. SmiteNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge0Smite18Closest Visible Enemy UnitThe closest visible enemy unit within 18' of the psyker suffers 1D3 mortal wounds, 1D6 if the warp charge is greater than 10. Average mortal wounds inflicted, casting with 2D6, first time being used in the phase, and no denial, caster has 4+ wounds remaining: 1.79.5, adding 1 each time a unit uses it in a given psychic phase (e.g. 5 for the first use, 6 for the second, etc.) up to a maximum of 11.

Units with Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers ignore this penalty, but RAW still contribute to it. Nurgle NurgleNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Stream of Corruption7Closest Visible Enemy UnitTarget takes 1D3 mortal wounds if it has less than 10 models, or 1D6 if it has 10 or more.52Fleshy Abundance18Friendly Nurgle Daemon UnitOne model in the target unit recovers 1D3 wounds.53Nurgle's Rot7All Units (except Nurgle Units)Roll 1D6 for each affected unit.

On a 4+, the unit suffers 1D3 mortal wounds.74Shrivelling Pox18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, target takes -1 toughness.65Virulent Blessing18Friendly Nurgle Daemon UnitTarget unit may add +1 to all wound rolls in the Fight phase, and wound rolls of 7+ for that unit in the Fight phase inflict double damage.76Miasma of Pestilence18Friendly Nurgle Daemon UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls against the target unit.6. Slaanesh SlaaneshNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Cacophonic Choir18Closest Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2D6 (add 2 to the result if the psychic test result is more than 10). Target unit suffers a mortal wound for each point rolled above its highest Leadership value. The target needs to have Ld4 or less to make this better than Smite, which virtually nothing in the game has.72Symphony of Pain18Closest Visible Enemy UnitTarget unit subtracts 1 from all hit rolls until the start of your next Psychic phase.63Hysterical Frenzy18Friendly Slaanesh Daemon UnitTarget unit must also be within 1' of an enemy unit.

It can pile in and attack as if it were the Fight phase.84Delightful Agonies18Friendly Slaanesh Daemon UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, roll 1D6 each time a model in the target unit loses a wound. Ignore the wound on a roll of 6.55Pavane of Slaanesh18Visible Enemy UnitRoll a D6 for each model in the target unit. That unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll of 6.66PhantasmagoriaAura 12Enemy UnitsUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, all affected units take -1 Leadership.6. Tzeentch TzeentchNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Boon of Change18Visible Friendly Tzeentch Daemon UnitRoll a D3 on the table below; all models in the target unit receive the listed bonus until the start of your next Psychic phase.D3Boon1+1 Attack2+1 Strength3+1 Toughness72Bolt of Change18Visible Enemy UnitTarget unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; if a Character is slain by this, you can add a Chaos Spawn to your army. Set it up within 1' of the character before it is removed.

If your Heralds cast this, you can expect to succeed 27.78% of the time (less than a third!), dealing 0.56 mortal wounds, on average. Heretic Astartes Except for the Death Guard, all Legions share this Discipline, which they also, curiously, share with Be'Lakor. As Be'Lakor does not have the Heretic Astartes keyword or a way to get it, he only uses the offensive/debuffing powers from this list.Dark HereticusNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Infernal Gaze18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 3 dice.

The target suffers a mortal wound for each 4+. Average mortal wounds inflicted, casting with 2D6 and no denial, caster has 4+ wounds remaining: 1.25 (less than Smite).52Death Hex12Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, the target cannot take invulnerable saves.83Gift of Chaos6Visible Enemy UnitRoll a D6. If the result is greater than the target’s Toughness, it suffers D3+3 mortal wounds. If a Character is slain by this power, you can add a Chaos Spawn to your army and set it up within 1' of the character before it is removed.64Prescience18Friendly Heretic Astartes UnitTarget may add +1 to all hit rolls until the start of your next Psychic phase.75Diabolic Strength12Friendly Heretic Astartes ModelUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, add 2 to the target's Strength characteristic and 1 to its Attacks characteristic.66Warptime3Friendly Heretic Astartes UnitTarget unit may move now, as if it were its Movement phase.

A unit cannot have this cast on it more than once per turn.6. Thousand Sons Thousand Sons Sorcerers, Exalted Sorcerors and Sorcerers in Terminator Armour use either the Dark Hereticus or Change disciplines. Thousand Sons Daemon Princes and Magnus the Red can use the Dark Hereticus, Change, or Tzeentch (See Daemons) disciplines. Furthermore, their special rule Brotherhood of Sorcerers adds 6' to the range of all their powers (including Smite) and removes the penalties associated with casting Smite repeatedly.ChangeNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Tzeentch’s Firestorm18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 9 dice; the enemy unit you selected suffers a mortal wound for each roll of a 6.72Boon of Mutation3Friendly Thousand Sons Character (no Daemons)Roll 2D6 and consult the chart below to see what effect this power has on that character for the rest of the game.2D6Boon2Your character is slain. However, before removing the model as a casualty, you can add a Chaos Spa- Uhm thingie, to your army. If you do so, set up the Model within 6' of the character before removing them.3Add 6' to the Range of all of the character’s shooting weapons.4Add 3' to the character’s Move characteristic.5Each time the character loses a wound, roll a D6; on a 6, they do not lose that wound. If the character already has an ability with a similar effect, add 1 to any dice rolls you make for them to avoid losing wounds instead.6Add 1 to any Psychic tests you take for the character.7Choose a boon of your choice (you cannot choose Spawndom or Daemonhood).8Subtract 1 from hit rolls that target the character in the Fight phase.9Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the character’s melee weapons.10Add 1 to the character’s Toughness characteristic.11Add 1 to the character’s Wounds characteristic.12Your character is slain.

However, before removing the model as a casualty, you can add a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch to your army. Harlequins Shadowseers use Phantasmancy.PhantasmancyNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Twilight Pathways3Friendly Harlequins UnitTarget unit may move now, as if it were its Movement phase, and it is immune to this power until the end of the phase. Direct copy/paste of Warptime from Dark Hereticus, with the Factions swapped.62Fog of Dreams18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit subtracts 1 from all hit rolls targeting Harlequin Infantry units.73Mirror of Minds24Enemy UnitBoth players roll a die. If the caster's player rolls higher or draws, target unit suffers a mortal wound and repeat the process. Continue until the target unit is destroyed or the target's player rolls higher. Ynnari In the initial XENOS 1 Index, the Yvraine and the Yncarne used the following Revenant Discipline.

Released 2017.RevenantNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Gaze of Ynnead18Visible Enemy UnitRoll a die. Target suffers 1 mortal wound on a 1, 1D3 mortal wounds on a 2-5, and 1D6 mortal wounds on a 6.

Average mortal wounds inflicted, casting with 2D6 and no denial, caster has 4+ wounds remaining: 0.868. Terrible, particularly compared to other powers in the same vein, like Infernal Gaze from Dark Hereticus.82Ancestors' Grace18Friendly Ynnari UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1.53Word of the Phoenix18Friendly Ynnari infantry, biker, or Yncarne.

Target must not have made a Soulburst action this turn.Target unit can immediately make a Soulburst action.8. Under the new Ynnari Index, released April 2019RevenantNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Gaze of Ynnead18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 1d6. Target suffers 1 mortal wound on a 1, 1D3 mortal wounds on a 2-5, and 1D6 mortal wounds on a 6. Average mortal wounds inflicted, casting with 2D6 and no denial, caster has 4+ wounds remaining: 1.51 mortal wounds (worse than Smite).62Storm of Whispers6All Enemy UnitsRoll 3D6 for each enemy unit within range. For each result of 6, the unit being rolled for suffers a mortal wound.

Mathematically identical to rolling 1d6 per unit and dealing a mortal wound on a 4+, or, on average, dealing each one half a mortal wound. Needs to target at least 4 units to be worthwhile over Gaze of Ynnead or Smite.63Word of the Phoenix18Friendly YNNARI Infantry or Biker UnitHeals D3 lost wounds on a single model. If no models in the unit are wounded, you can instead return a dead model to the unit with 1 wound remaining.54Unbind Souls18Enemy UnitYou can re-roll wound rolls against the target for melee attacks made by YNNARI models.65Shield of YnneadAura 6All Friendly YNNARI UnitsTargets gain a 5 invulnerable save whilst within 6' of the caster.76Ancestor`s Grace18Friendly YNNARI UnitYou can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the target until the beginning of your next Psychic phase.7. 'Codex' Astartes Space Marine chapters drawn from the 'stock' Space Marine codex all share the same Discipline, Librarius.LibrariusNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Veil of Time18Adeptus Astartes UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit can re-roll charge and Advance rolls, and always fights first in the fight phase, even when not charging.62Might of Heroes12Adeptus Astartes ModelUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target model has +1 Strength, Toughness, and Attacks.63Psychic Scourge18Visible Enemy UnitRoll a D6 and add the psyker’s Leadership to the result. Your opponent then rolls a D6 and adds the Leadership of their unit to the result.

Primaris Librarians in Phobos Armor cannot use Librarius. Instead, they take powers from the Obscuration DisciplineObscurationNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Shrouding18Friendly Phobos UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, enemies can only shoot at the target unit if they are the closest unit to them.62Soul Sight18Friendly Phobos UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, any ranged attacks the target makes can re-roll to hit and ignore cover.63Mind Raid18Visible Enemy ModelTarget suffers 1 mortal wound. If the target is a character, roll 3d6 - If the result is equal to or greater than the target's Leadership score, you gain 1 Command Point.64Hallucination18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, subtract 1 from the Leadership of every model in the target unit.

Your opponent then rolls 2d6 - If the result is greater than the highest Leadership score in the unit, then they also subtract 1 from all hit rolls until the start of your next Psychic Phase65Tenebrous Curse18Visible enemy unit that cannot FLYTarget suffers 1 mortal wound. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, the target halves their movement score and halves the result of any charge or advance rolls made (rounding up).66Temporal Corridor3Friendly Phobos UnitTarget immediately moves and advances, rolling 3d6 and taking the highest when rolling to advance. This can target a unit only once per Psychic Phase.7. Ultramarines Instead of any of the default disciplines, Librarians of the Ultramarines Chapter can take powers from the Indomitus Discipline.IndomitusNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1PrecognitionN/ASelfUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit gains a 5+ Invulnerable save.

When this unit is attacked during this time, all rolls to hit subtract 1 from their result.52Scryer's GazeN/A or Aura 18N/A or Friendly Ultramarines UnitIf your army is Battle-Forged, you immediately gain 1 Command Point. Alternatively, the target can re-roll all die to hit, to wound, or damage.73Telepathic Assault24Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2d6 and add 2 to the roll. For each point that this roll exceeds the highest Leadership score in the target unit, the target suffers 1 mortal wound.74Storm of the Emperor's Wrath18Nearest Visible Enemy UnitRoll a d6 for each model in the target unit - For each 6, the target suffers a mortal wound.65Psychic Shackles18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase the target halves their movement score and halves the results of all rolls made to advance or charge (rounding up). This cannot stack with the effects of Tenebrous Curse.66Empyric Channeling12Friendly Ultramarines LibrarianUntil the end of your Psychic phase, the target adds 2 to any channeling rolls they make and cannot suffer from Perils of the Warp when they roll two 1s or two 6s.5. White Scars Instead of any of the default disciplines, Librarians of the White Scars Chapter can take powers from the Stormspeaking Discipline.StormspeakingNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Blasting Gale18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit cannot advance and rolls 1d6 less when charging.72Lightning Call18Closest Visible Enemy UnitTarget suffers 1d3 mortal wounds.

If the unit is not destroyed, roll 1d6 - on a 4+, the target suffers another mortal wound. If the unit is not destroyed, roll 1d6 - on a 5+, the target suffers another mortal wound. If the unit is not destroyed, roll 1d6 - on a 6+, the target suffers yet another mortal wound.73Ride the Winds12Friendly White Scars UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, the target unit adds 2 to any advance or charge rolls they make.64Storm-Wreathed12Friendly White Scars UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, the target unit cannot be targeted by overwatch. After the target unit successfully charges, select an enemy unit within 1' of each model in this unit and roll 1d6 - on a 6+, the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.65Spirits of Chogoris18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase the target, subtract 1 from the leadership score of all models in this unit and subtract 1 from any hit rolls the target unit makes.66Eye of the StormAura 12Enemy ModelsRoll 1d6 for each target unit within range, adding 1 if the target can FLY - On a 4+, that unit suffers a mortal wound.6. Raven Guard Instead of any of the default disciplines, Librarians of the Raven Guard Chapter can take powers from the Umbramancy Discipline.UmbramancyNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Umbral FormN/ASelfUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, the target has a 4+ Invulnerable save.52Enveloping Darkness18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, this target cannot fire Overwatch and when subtracts 1 from all hit rolls.73Spectral BladeN/ASelfUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, the target's Strength is equal to their Leadarship score. In addition, when the target makes a melee attack against an enemy unit whose highest Leadership score is beneath their own, this attack gains an AP of -4.54Shadowstep18Friendly Raven Guard UnitRemove the target unit from the field.

You may now re-deploy this unit wherever you wish on the field, so long as it's at least 9' from an enemy unit.75The Abyss18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 3d6. For each 4+ that is rolled, the target unit suffers a mortal wound. If this would result in the death of any models in the unit, the target subtracts 1 from their Leadership score until the end of this turn.66The Darkness Within18Up to Three Visible Enemy UnitsRoll 1d6 for each target unit, adding +1 if you rolled a 10+ on the channel power test.

For each 4+, the target suffers a mortal wound.6. Imperial Fists Instead of any of the default disciplines, Librarians of the Imperial Fists Chapter can take powers from the Geokinesis Discipline.GeokinesisNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Tectonic PurgeAura 12Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, whenever an enemy within this aura makes a charge, they must subtract 2 from the result.62Wrack & Ruin18Visible Building Unit or Visible Enemy unit wholly within a terrain setpieceRoll 9d6, adding +1 to each roll if the target was a building. On every 5+, the target suffers a mortal wound.63Iron Inferno18Blast 6Roll 1d6 for each enemy unit within this area. On a 4+ this unit suffers a mortal wound.64Fortify12Friendly Imperial Fists Infantry or Biker ModelTarget recovers d3 Wounds.45Aspect of StoneN/ASelfTarget adds +2 to their Strength and Toughness scores.56Chasm18Visible Enemy Unit without the FLY rule.Roll 2d6 and compare it to the target's lowest Move score.

If the result is less than the Move score, then the unit suffers a mortal wound. If the result is equal to the Move score, then the target suffers d3 mortal wounds. If the result is greater than the Move score, then the unit suffers 3 mortal wounds.6.

Salamanders Instead of any of the default disciplines, Librarians of the Salamanders Chapter can take powers from the Promethean Discipline.PrometheanNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Flaming Blast24Visible Enemy Units within 3' of selected pointEach enemy unit must roll 1d6; on a 4+, they suffer a mortal wound.62Flame Shield18Visible Friendly Salamanders UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, all ranged attacks against this unit subtract 1 from their hit roll. In addition, all charge rolls against this unit subtract 1 from their result.63Burning HandsN/ASelfUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, any attacks that the target unit makes with a Close Combat Weapon inflict a mortal wound upon a successful hit.64Drakeskin12Visible Friendly Salamanders UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, add +1 to the Toughness of all models in the target unit.65Fury of Nocturne18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2d6.

If the result of this roll exceeds the highest toughness of the enemy unit, then that unit suffers 1D3 mortal wounds.66Draconic AspectAura 12Visible Enemy UnitsUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, subtract 2 from the Leadership of all enemy units within 12' of the psyker.6. Blood Angels Blood Angels psykers lose Librarius and instead use Sanguinary.SanguinaryNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1QuickeningN/ASelfAdd 3 to Advance and charge rolls you make for the psyker, and make D3 additional attacks with them in the Fight phase, until the start of your next Psychic phase.72Unleash Rage12Friendly Blood Angels UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target has +1 Attack.63Shield of Sanguinius12Friendly Blood Angels UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has a 5+ invulnerable save.64Blood Boil6Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2D6. If the total exceeds the highest Toughness characteristic in the target unit, the unit suffers 1D3 mortal wounds; if the total rolled is more than double that of the highest Toughness characteristic in the target, it suffers 3 mortal wounds instead.65Blood Lance12Visible Enemy ModelDraw a line between the target and the psyker. Roll a D6 for each model the centre of the line passes over. For each roll of 5+ that model’s unit suffers a mortal wound. Similar to Gaze of the Emperor that Psykana psykers can cast; has reliable range, but even worse mortal wound output.66Wings of SanguiniusN/ASelfThe psyker can immediately move as if it were your Movement phase, but his Move characteristic is also increased to 12' and he gains the FLY keyword until the start of your next Psychic phase (this means he can shoot if he Fell Back in his Movement phase). In addition, whilst this power is in effect, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for the psyker.5.

Dark Angels Dark Angels psykers lose Librarius and instead use Interromancy.InterromancyNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Mind Worm12Visible Enemy UnitTarget unit suffers a mortal wound. Until the end of your turn, it can only be chosen to attack in the Fight phase last.62Aversion24Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has -1 to hit.63Righteous Repugnance12Friendly Dark Angels UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, target unit can re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls for melee weapons.74Trephination18Closest Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2D6, adding 2 to the total if the psychic test was more than 10. The target unit suffers a mortal wound for each point over the units highest Leadership value.75Engulfing FearAura 6Enemy UnitsUntil the start of your next Psychic Phase, target units must roll 2 dice and discard the lowest when taking Morale tests in the Morale phase.66Mind Wipe18Visible Enemy ModelEach player rolls a D6 and adds their model’s Leadership characteristic to their result. If your opponent scores higher, or if the scores are drawn, nothing happens.

If the psyker’s score is higher, the target takes -1 WS, BS and Ld for the rest of the battle.7. Grey Knights Grey Knights psykers lose Librarius and instead use Sanctic. Additionally, they are not subject to the penalties for repeatedly using Smite.SancticNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Purge Soul12Visible Enemy UnitBoth players roll a die - the psyker's player adds the psyker's unit's highest Leadership, while the target's player adds the target's highest Leadership. If the psyker's player rolls higher, the target suffers mortal wounds equal to the difference.52Gate of Infinity12Friendly Grey Knights UnitRemove target unit from the battlefield, then set it up anywhere on the battlefield more than 9' from any enemy models. Unit counts as having moved. Basically Da Jump from the Waaagh!

Space Wolves Space Wolves psykers use Tempestas; they do not technically lose Librarius, as Space Wolves take their own, distinct psykers. Super street fighter 4 ryu vs ken. Broadly speaking, all of these powers are inferior to at least one power in at least one other discipline; a Space Wolves psyker's best power will usually be Smite.TempestasNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Living Lightning18Enemy UnitDeals 1d3 mortal wounds to the nearest visible enemy unit. If the targeted unit is destroyed by this power, the closest enemy unit within 18' of the last enemy model to be removed by the power also takes 1d3 mortal wounds. This repeats until either a unit is not destroyed by the power or when there are no units close enough to a destroyed unit for it to spread.62Tempest's Wrath24Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has -1 to hit.

Copied and pasted from Aversion from the Interromancy discipline, but because the two powers have different names, they stack.63Murderous Hurricane18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 1d6 for each model in the target; target suffers 1 mortal wound for each roll of a 6. Not overly reliable, but it's rare that anything scales with unit size in 8e.54Fury of the Wolf Spirits0SelfUntil the next psychic phase, the user gains a bonus 6 melee attacks with S5 AP-3 D1.75Storm CallerAura 6Psyker and Friendly Space Wolves UnitsUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, targets gain the benefit of being in cover.86Jaws of the World Wolf18Enemy Non-Vehicle UnitRoll 2D6.

Smite Tactics

Target unit suffers a mortal wound for each point rolled above its Move. Random compared to smite, but potentially more powerful, and you can pick a target, including characters trying to hide. Becomes pretty useless above M6.Average mortal wounds inflicted, accounting for casting with 2D6 and no denial, caster has 4+ wounds remaining.Move101112+Mortal Wounds4.083.502.922.351.811.330.910.570.320. Adeptus Astra Telepathica PsykanaNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Terrifying Visions18Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has -2 Leadership.

The Inquisition Inquisition Psykers all use the Telethesia Discipline.TelethesiaNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Terrify18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has -1 Leadership and cannot fire Overwatch.62Mental Fortitude12Imperium UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit automatically passes Morale tests.43Dominate12Enemy Character ModelTarget model can immediately shoot an enemy unit with a single weapon or make a single close combat attack, as if target model was Friendly. Models cannot attack themselves but can attack other models in their own unit.64Mental Interrogation12Visible Enemy Character ModelTarget model has -1 to hit. If your army is Battle-Forged, roll 3D6; if the result is equal to or greater than model's Leadership, you gain 1 Command Point.65Psychic Pursuit18Visible Enemy Character with a wounds characteristic of less than 10One unit within 18' of the Psyker can shoot at the target even if it's not the closest ennemy unit.76Castigation18Visible Ennemy UnitRoll 3D6 and compare to the lowest Leadership characteristic of the unit. If greater, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.6Ordo Specifics:TelethesiaOrdoNameRangeTargetDescriptionChargeHereticusAscertainment12Enemy Unit-1 Attack. Roll 2D6, if greater than the highest Leadership characteristic of the unit: -1 to hit until the next Psychic Phase.6XenosPsychic Veil6Friendly Ordo Xenos unitCan only be selected as the target of attacks if they are the closest visible ennemy unit.

Smite tactics closed beta

Can only be selected as the target of charges if they are within 6' of the charging unit.5MalleusPower Throught Knowledge12Friendly Imperium Infantry or Biker unit5 until the next Psychic Phase.6. Orks Ork Psykers all use the Power of the Waaaagh! Discipline, regardless of Clan.Power of the Waaaagh!NumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1'Eadbanger18Closest Visible Enemy ModelRoll a die and compare it to the Toughness of the target model. If the die roll is higher, the target model is slain.82Warpath18Friendly Ork UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has +1 Attack.73Da Jump12Friendly Ork Infantry UnitRemove target unit from the battlefield, then set it up anywhere on the battlefield more than 9' from any enemy models.

The unit counts as having moved.74Fists of Gork12Friendly Visible Ork Character ModelUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target model has +2 Strength and +2 Attacks.65Da Krunch18Enemy UnitRoll a die for each model in the target unit. For each 6, target takes one mortal wound. Then, roll 2d6, and on a result of 10+, roll another die for each model in the target unit.

For each 6, target takes one mortal wound.86Roar of MorkAura 18Enemy UnitsAffected units have -1 Leadership until the start of your next Psychic phase.8. Genestealer Cults BroodmindNumberNameRangeTargetDescriptionCharge1Mass Hypnosis18Visible Enemy UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target cannot fire Overwatch, fights last in the Fight phase even if it charged, and must subtract 1 from hit rolls.72Mind Control12Enemy ModelRoll 3D6; if you roll equal to or greater than target model's Leadership, you can make it immediately shoot an enemy unit or make a single close combat attack against it, as if the target were Friendly. Models cannot attack themselves, but can attack other models in their own unit.63Psionic Blast18Visible Enemy UnitRoll 2d6. If the result is lower than the highest Leadership in the target, it suffers a mortal wound. Otherwise, it suffers 1d3 mortal wounds.54Mental Onslaught18Visible Enemy ModelCaster and Target each roll 1d6+Ld; if the caster wins, inflict 1 mortal wound on the target and repeat the process if the target survives and its roll was not a 6.65Psychic Stimulus18Friendly Genestealer Cults UnitTarget can charge after advancing and always fights first.66Might From Beyond18Friendly GENESTEALER CULTS INFANTRY or BIKER UnitUntil the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has +1 Strength and Attack. Easily the best power of its kind in the game, having superior range to all of them and a better ratio of return to risk than any of them bar, perhaps, Unleash Rage from Sanguinary (which is -1 Charge for a 12' Attack-only buff).7T'au HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!Lol nope. Look elsewhere, no psionics here.Necrons Your souls have been forever consumed by the C'tan, so no psychic powers for you.You do get powers of the C'tan, but it's not much compensation as those are basically 'deal X mortal wounds in a cool and novel fashion that involves 20 dice rolls'.