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Note: During the quest players are asked to plant several seeds. This can be done in any order and the players do not have to wait for one seed to fully grow before planting another. It advised planting all the seeds one after another at their prescribed locations to save time.
  1. Start off by talking to Queen Ellamaria in the east part of Varrock Castle. She will tell you that she is in need of a gardener and asks if you can help. Agree and she will give you a list of things needed to make the garden complete.
  2. Next head to Draynor Village and talk to The Wise Old Man. He will tell you a little story about what the Queen used to do before she married the king. Then he will ask about the story of charos. Say you have the Ring of charos. Give it to him and you'll be asked a series of 7 questions.
    Here are the answers:
    Question 1 - Show them a range of colors so that they can come to a compromise.
    Question 2 - Take his generous gift even though you have no need for it.
    Question 3 - Definitely.
    Question 4 - Put on the silly helmet and jump into the cannon.
    Question 5 - You, of course, Pkmaster0036, no one could ever challenge your greatness!
    Question 6 - I'll do whatever you ask - I just love the monarchy!
    Question 7 - If I do I'll let you know.
    Answer them right and get a Ring of Charos (a). If you only get a couple of questions wrong, he'll still enchant your Ring of Charos.
  3. To get the Delphinium Seeds, talk to Elstan in the farming spot south of Falador. Be sure you have the Ring of Charos on before you do. Ask him about the seeds and use the Charm option on him every time. He will give you the seeds if you give him a bunch of marigolds. Plant some marigolds in that flower patch. When they are fully grown, pick them and give them to him and you will get your seeds.
  4. Now head to Port Phasmatys and talk to Lyra at the farming spot to get the Orchid seeds. Once again use the charm options on her and she will tell you that you need to grow a patch of onions in one of the farming spots. Talk to her when your plants are ready to be harvested and you will get the seeds.
  5. Head to Kragen, at the farming patch north of Ardougne. Talk to him using the charm options again and he will ask you to grow a patch of cabbages in one of his spots. Talk to him when the plants are ready to be harvested to get your seeds.
  6. Go to Bernald in Burthrope, located east of the pub and talk to him, he will say that his grapes need to be healed. Try using a plant cure on them. It will not work. Talk to him again and he will say to visit a druid garderner near him.
  7. Speak to Alain south of the Taverley tree patch and tell him your problem, but for your last response do NOT use the charming answer! He will tell you to crush up some rune essence and put it in the plant cure.
  8. Take any Rune essence and use a hammer with it to break it into shards. Then use the Shards with a Pestle and mortar to grind it up. Then use the Essence dust with the plant cure. Take your potent plant cure back to Burthrope and use it with the vines.
  9. Next, go to Dantaera at the Catherby farming spot. She will tell you about a White tree on Ice mountain that is dying. You will need to take a piece of the tree and plant it in a plantpot.
  10. Go to Ice mountain, to where the Oracle is, and you will see a White tree. Use your secateurs on the tree and you will get a white tree shoot. Use this shoot on your plantpot. Be sure to water the shoot.
  11. Note: For this step, do not throw your ring in the well or destroy it before you talk to the monk!
    Go to the Edgeville Monastery and try to take a rose seed. Brother Althric will forbid this because you are wearing an evil talisman. Go to Edgeville and throw your Ring of Charos into the well or destroy it. Now go try and pick a seed from the bushes again. He will let you this time. Pick a seed from all 3 bushes.
  12. Now if you threw your ring down the well, go back to Edgeville and get a Fly fishing rod, use your rod on the well to try and get your ring back. If you chose to destroy your ring, you need to go to the third floor of Fenkenstrain's castle near Canifis and pickpocket the ring from the Doctor. You will need the ring for the last step in the quest.
  13. Return to Varrock Castle garden and start planting the garden. You will need a Rake, Seed dibber, Spade, 2 buckets of Compost, the acquired seeds, and the White tree sapling. You will not have to use compost on any of the patches or water on the seeds. Plant the seeds in the relevant patches. To plant the Orchid seeds (Pink) and Orchid seeds (Yellow), use a bucket of Compost and then the seeds on each of the stone plant pots. Simply place the White tree sapling onto the White Tree patch to plant it. Once everything has been planted, talk to Queen Ellamaria again and ask her how you should get the statues there. She will give you a Trolley.
  14. Make your way to the center of Falador. Once there, use the Trolley with the statue of Saradomin and a cut scene will occur. Now, push the statue north towards the northern gate. After a few pushes, you will find yourself at the back of Varrock Castle. Push your statue towards the garden and place it on the most southern stand.
    Note: Do not push the statues too slow or the guards will capture the statue and you will have to start all over again. The easiest way to reach Falador is via the Falador teleport spell (requires 37 Magic).
  15. Next, teleport or walk to Lumbridge and take the statue that's to the south of the Castle entrance. Push the trolley North, then go East across the bridge. Head north again, winding around to Varrock Castle. Push the trolley into the garden and place the statue on the stand most north.
  16. Talk to the Queen again when the whole garden is fully grown. She will ask you to go and get King Roald.
    Note: Make sure you have the Ring of charos (a) equipped when talking to King Roald or he will not follow you into the garden.
    Congratulations, you just made your first Royal garden!

Damp cloths, Fire arrows (unlit), Fire arrows (lit), Plank, Old journal, 4 Orbs of light, Piece of railing, Unicorn horn (Underground Pass), 3 Paladin's badges, 2 Meat pies, Meat pizza, Witch's cat, Doll of iban, History of iban, Restore potion (3), Super attack potion(3), Klank's gauntlets, Tinderbox, Bucket, Dwarf brew, Iban's ashes, Amulet of doomion, Amulet of holthion, Amulet of othainian, Iban's shadow, Iban's dove, Zamorak robe (top), Zamorak robe (bottom), 30 Fire runes, 15 Death runes, Iban's staff.To start, talk to who is on the second floor of the Paladin Castle in. He describes the quest and directs you to his scout in.Head to, walk through the gates and go as far west as you can go and you should find; talk to him and then enter the cave near him.Now, here there are 2 choices. If you brought 2 ropes, you can use one rope on one of the stalactites, or you can use Agility to climb over the rocks.

I recommend climbing the rockslides.On the other side of swamp you meet again, talk to him and you get a damp cloth. Use it on the arrows you brought to get a fire arrow. Talk to him again to get another damp cloth and wrap it around the other arrows. Repeat until you have about 10 fire arrows. Use these arrows on the fire nearby to set them alight.Now, go around the cliff to the east and then go north. You should be behind a fence, try shooting at the guide ropes that hold the bridge up. When you hit it you are automatically taken across it.

Positioning is critical when shooting at ropes: you should be at fence in center of the length of the fence.Now head north and pick up the plank that is guarded by blessed spiders then head south and follow the path which curves around to the east.At a split in the path, the south side is a swamp and the north side is a gap. Use your rope on the pole-shaped rock above the gap to get across. If you fail this obstacle, you will lose your rope and find yourself thrown into the 'washout' dungeon. The sole path out of the 'washout' dungeon forces you to cross numerous rockslides and then dumps you at the entrance to the underground path. At the very least, you will need another rope, since you lost yours on this obstacle. Follow the path east and then south, climbing over a rockslide in a small alley.

Nightmare House 2 is a free Half-Life 2 modification for PC. It was made by a mod team headed by Hen Mazolski. It is a first-person shooter survival horror game. Setting Edit. The game takes place with an individual who was driving alone at night through the woods. Nightmare House 2 is a Half-Life 2 horror-themed modification. The mod won ModDB 2010 Mod of the Year awards for Best Original Art, Best Singleplayer Mod and Player's Choice Mod of the Year categories, eventually winning 2nd place at the latter. In-Yogiverse Zoey played this mod to completion on. Engine: EP2 Released: Augest 22, 2010 Author: We Create Stuff Story After a prologue (Nightmare House 1) where the player crashes his car in front of the haunted house, he is confronted by numerous undead and falls unconcious, he then wakes and finds himself in a padded room of an asylum. He then proceeds to leave and has visions of a ghostly woman while exploring the general area. Welcome to the Nightmare House Wiki, a database that anyone is free to edit and/or read about the Half Life 2 duo of mods known as the Nightmare House series! Read about the game itself, Read about the characters you meet, Read about the weapons you wield. Nightmare house 2 wiki. Below is the list of characters, monsters, and weapons that were in Nightmare House 2.

In the next area, climb west over another rockslide.Now you should find, talk to him and you will find that he is slowly being possessed.Here is the grid area. The safe path to cross the grid is different for each player, so experimentation is required to find the successful path which can be used for all future crossings. What worked for someone else may not work for you. The illustration here is just an example and will not work for everyone!!

Write down your successful path as it will stay the same for you every time you come here. Every time you hit a bad square, you will fall through to the rocks below and take damage. If you fall, climb back up on the protruding rocks or you will continue to receive hits.The trial-and-error method to find a way across is.Find the block you can stand on in the first row.Then try path 2 (straight across).If that doesn't work, position yourself in the closest corner of your working square exactly diagonal to the square you want to go to (each grid square is composed of four Runescape walking squares.

If you don't get into the corner first, when you click on a diagonal square the game will walk you through a square that you already know doesn't work, and you'll be on the rocks again!) Then click on the diagonal square you wish to try (path 1 or 3).Once you find one of those that work (path 3 in the illustrated example), try again path 2 (straight), 1, or 3.Continue this process until you find a safe path across.Once across, pull the lever next to the portcullis. It will open and automatically take you through. There are zombies and a furnace in this area. To the north-northwest is a one-way shortcut pipe that takes you back to before the rope-swing gap; you cannot use it to get back here.

The west alley contains five spike traps; either run through if you are not very good at thieving, or try to search the odd markings and disarm the traps.After the traps, there is a room with a well in the middle, as well as an old journal spawn and an altar. If you turn on prayers such as 2x hp restore and others, and keep recharging your prayer here, you can return to full health while conserving your food for later efforts. The first part is quite easy, go up the north road and notice there are flat rocks on the floor.

Use the plank on the flat rocks to cross until you get to the orb of light, pick it up then return to the well.Run across the northwest path trying not to get hit by the enemies, pick up the orb of light and return to the well.The west path is the same as the north path, just use your plank on the flat rocks, pick up the orb of light and return to the well.This is the easiest path, the southwest path. Search the flat stone under the orb, when you try to pick up the orb of light it will ask you if you want to disarm it.

Osrs black demons in chasm of fireChasm Of Fire Osrs

If you fail you will be damaged by a swinging log. When you have the orb return back to the well.Now either run back across the path with the strange markings or search the odd markings and disarm the traps to return to the room with the zombies. Use all the orbs with the furnace and then go back to the room with the well by either disarming the traps or running.Climb down the well and search the crates nearby, one will contain some food. Now run across the path to get to some cages, pick lock the cage to the southeast. Use the spade on the mud to get through a tunnel.Head west and then cross the ledge south to get to another hard part. If you are a level 50+ thief then pick lock the gate and run east through the swamp past the rats to the other gate.

Or, if you are a bad thief, then you need to cross the stone bridges to get to the other end. Falling off the stone bridges causes damage, and then you must follow a clear path back to the beginning of the stone bridges to try again. However, if you take the gate path once past the door, make your way through the swamp but sure you DON'T step on the bubbles or you'll have to start back at the beginning.

That's right, you are suddenly starting over, outside the Underground Pass! This might be a good time to bank to replace all the food you spent on the grid since you'll know the correct path to follow this time.Follow the path south and go through the obstacle pipe.Search the Unicorn Cage for a railing. Go around to where the boulder is.Use the Railing Pipe to move the boulder. Go back to the unicorn cage and search it for the.Now enter the tunnel nearby.Continue down the path past Zombies.Talk to Carl the Paladin or Sir Jerro, he gives you food and a prayer potion. Then slaughter all three of the paladins to get the three Paladin badges (red, green and blue).Continue down the path and use the Plank on the flat rock to disarm it.Use the and Crests on the well and go through the door.

(Note this is the well you use your on to recharge it once you have finished the quest and have used all the charges).You are on second level of the Underground Pass dungeon (see ). Head as far south as you can and look at the south wall to find a small staircase leading down. Once you're down, walk a bit to the west to find three dwarves in a small fenced area with two buildings. Talk to Niloof who will give you some food and mentions of a witch that knows 's secrets.Now return to the second level of the dungeon by climbing upstairs. Head a little to the south-east where you can see a house, from there walk a little north where you can jump over a bridge. Walk along it and take the first turn south to find Kardia's house.

Search the window and you'll hear her talking to herself about her missing cat.Note: Do not attempt to open the door or you will take a hit causing up to 20 lifepoints damage.Head north, take a left, hop across the gap, then take the north branch of the path. Follow it until you find the cat - denoted by a yellow dot on your minimap. Pick up the cat and return to witch's house again.Use the cat on the door.

You will automatically hide while she answers the door; while she is playing with the cat, enter and search the chest near the door. You will find the Iban doll, an old journal, a stat restore potion and a super attack potion.From the witch's house, go north, west, and then south to the three demons (see ). Kill them and get their Amulets. Open the nearby Chest and get the.

Smear it on the Doll.Note: If you are a low level or are using range or magic, there are safespots for killing the demons by standing on the narrow pathways.When you go back to dwarves (or if you fall you're at the dwarves), you should end in a HUGE open area. Go to the southwest for some Dwarves. After you've got the Witch's items, talk to all the dwarfs, will give you 's Gauntlets and a Tinderbox. Take the Bucket. Empty the single indoor barrel in the house for Dwarf Brew. You can also get unlimited food from the drunken dwarf near Klank.Go to the southeast part of this cavern to 's Tomb. Don't search it or you will take damage.

Use the Dwarf brew on it and set it on fire with a Tinderbox. Take and smear it on the Doll. You can now drop your Tinderbox and the Bucket.Go northeast into a canyon of spiders. At the north end of this area kill the HUGE spider (level 89).

The blood automatically gets smeared on the Doll.There is another set of stairs to the west of the spiders; these stairs will take you directly to the Soulless cage area for the next step.Go all the way northwest of the Maze. Wear 's Gauntlets, and Search Cages. The Soulless will bite you, but will fail because you're wearing nice Gauntlets.

=) The cage that contains is very hard to find but keep at it and you should find it. Use with the Doll and you now have a Doll that is ready for the Final BattleNote: when looking for, remember to look in both parts there are two parts with cages one northwestern (in the corner) and another a little more south from there.Now get ready for the Final Battle. Head to the middle of the maze and kill some Iban Disciples to obtain Zamorak robes. Remove any weapons and armor, then equip the robes and go inside the temple.Note: Before entering the temple, make sure that you have 3 inventory slots free or you may lose part of your reward (the, Death runes and Fire runes) since you are immediately teleported out of the room. If you need food will sell some to you.will see you have the only weapon to destroy him, the complete Doll.

He will blast spells at you! (Which looks like monster legs coming up from the floor).Run towards him, hopefully dodging the shots, and throw the Doll into the Well. Stay there it will take a little while for blasts to stop after you successfully throw Doll in well.You will be transported to an underground area (this is why you need those empty spots in your inventory: you will not have time to eat and will miss your reward if you don't have empty spots!) Talk to the helper again and he'll take you outside.Go back to and report that is dead. You can keep 's Gauntlets.Some time after you have completed this Quest, will send a courier to you with a message. This will allow you to begin the. This Old School Quest Guide was written by Swaty and quackmann.