Aventurine released a new gameplay trailer of their PvP MMORPG, Darkfall: Unholy Wars, which came out on April 16th and on April 25rd via Steam.Darkfall: Unholy Wars is a sequel to the original.

Darkfall Unholy Wars: First gameplay video

Darkfall Unholy Wars Gameplay

Today Aventurine announces Darkfall Unholy Wars’ first gameplay video, revealing information for the first time about the Role System.

In Darkfall Unholy Wars, one of the roles destined to serve players that love heavy melee combat is the Warrior. One of the Warrior schools is the Baresark. Baresarks like close combat, and are specialized in dealing with multiple enemies. Their skills affect anyone that is standing near them or crosses their path.

Maelstrom is a weapon-based attack that deals damage to anyone around the Baresark.
Stomp is an attack that will knock everyone away from the Baresark.
Stampede dramatically increases the Baresark’s sprinting speed for a short period of time, while damaging and knocking back any targets that cross his path.
Roar is an Aoe (area-of-effect) debuff that reduces the base attributes of anyone inside its range.
Pulverize (Ultimate attack) is Baresark’s best weapon to deal with multiple opponents in a tight space. Pulverize damages everyone around the Baresark, knocks them back and blinds them for a short period of time.

Darkfall Unholy Wars will be available for PC, via digital download, on November 20, 2012. For more information you can visit the official page and the official blog. You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter for more updates.

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