BattleLine Games LLC. Privacy PolicyWhen you use the games and services created by BattleLine Games LLC., we understand that you aretrusting us with your information, and we take the stewardship of this information very seriously.This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand what data we collect, and why we are collectingit. In addition we use other services, such as Adsense that are using your data for their own needs.Because of this, you should also read the Google Privacy Policy in order to understand how they may beusing your personal data. Privacy PolicyLast modified: May 10, 2018 Summary VersionThis is my personal attempt to tell you what we collect in short form. The bottom line is weleave some cookies and local data on your machine in order to do things like track scores and gameprogress.

At times we store some game related data on servers in order to provide save that data forlater use. An example of this is when we had a “create your own layout” option for our Mahjong game.The layouts were saved to a server along with a description and title you provided. We use servicesfrom other organizations to build our web stack, and these organizations have access to your data asyou use our website and have their own Privacy Policies that you should also look into for a fullunderstanding.We are currently working to remove all social tags (e.g.

A descendant of the Whist family and similar to other trick-taking card games such as Hearts and Spades, Euchre is a simplified version of the two, which makes.

Facebook like buttons)from our web sites. Until that process is complete pages that still have social tags will allowthose social networks to track you on our websites.We use andto host our web servers, giving them access toour log data.We use to provide our Advertising through Google Adsense, and on some websites we areusing Google Analytics for usage analysis. Long Form VersionWhen you are using games on the BattleLine Games LLC. Website, Games, and other Apps there aremany different ways you generate and share information with us. In addition you may also besharing information with other organizations such as Google and we will list the other privacypolicies that you should read in order to understand how they use your personal data. Advertising and web analytics.

web hosting. web hostingThis Privacy Policy explains:. What information we collect and why we collect it. How we use that information. What other organizations are using your information.Information we collect We collect information in the following ways:Information you give us.

In some games and services you provide us withinformation concerning the game. An example of this is our “build your own layout” tool.This information is stored in a database so that others can play the layout you created.Information we get from your use of our services.

We use Amazon Web Servicesand GoDaddy to host our web servers. Those services provide us access to quite a bit of data.We use that data to try and provide better service. Device informationWe've used information related to screen size, and browser type to provide abetter experince for users with different screen sizes. Log informationBattleLine Games does not host it's own web servers. We use Amazon Web Services and GoDaddyto provide us with web servers, and those services are logging information that includes:.

Internet protocol addressdevice event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type,browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL. Cookies for terms of usecookies that identify if you have agreed to our terms of service and privacy policy.

Local storageWe collect information locally required for the games and apps you are playing. This dataincludes information like high scores, best times, game coins accumulated and other informationused to improve experience. Cookies for game related dataSome of our older games use cookies instead of local storage for storing gamerelated data.

Personal InformationWe do not currently collect personal information. Log data collected by our web hosting providers(Amazon and GoDaddy) could potentially be used to personally identify you.

Unfortunately we do notcontrol the use of that information. It is also possible information collected by Google forplacing ads and analyitics could be used to personally identify you.

You will need to consultthe privacy policies of our vendors (links provided at top of page) to understand how they manageyour data. How we use information we collectBattleLine Games llc., does not collect sensitive information such as race, religion,sexual orientation, etc. We collect information related to apps and games that we use to improvethe game experience. This information includes score and game play related information.

Some ofour vendors such as Google, Amazon, and GoDaddy collect your information while you are using our games.Google has provided it's own privacy policy that you should consult to understand the data they collectand use. Amazon and GoDaddy has access to server based log data which may include information such asuser location information and IP Address. Information sharingMost of the information we collect is stored locally on your machine and is not aggregated or shared.You can configure your browser to block cookies to prevent the storing of this data, but it will havean effect on your user experience. Information collected to create personalized versions of your gameis typically shared publicly, such as when you create a personalized version of our word search game.That word search is made public on the Internet to anyone who would like to play. Information collectedby our vendors, Google for Ads and Analytics, Amazon and GoDaddy for web hosting may be shared by thosecompanies with other vendors based on their own privacy policies. Social TagsWe are currently in the process of removing all social tags (e.g.

Facebook like buttons) from ourwebsites. Some pages may contain social tags that have not been removed yet.

These social tagsallow companies like facebook to track your progress through our site. For many reasons we havedecided to remove these tags from our web pages. During this process, you may encounter social tagson some of our web pages.Information securityBattleLine Games LLC, is currently in the process of transitioning from http to the more securehttps protocol. When this Privacy Policy appliesThis privacy policy applies to all web sites owned by BattleLine Games LLC, and embed Limited.These web sites will share a link to this privacy policy on the home page. Yes, I consent No, I do NOT consent.

Following CDC guidelines in regard to the Covid-19 Virus, CCA will postpone all league play until further notice. League play will resume when conditions are deemed safe within our community.We are working hard to provide our community with both options and opportunities, headed into the spring season.

Please check your email often as things continue to shift. Our promise to you is that our leagues will play, when it is safe to do so. We’ll innovate as needed to make sure we are helping you make fun possible.Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

It’s hard, we know, but doing this together will bring us through to the other side.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We are here and will continue to support the local community and CCA Family as best we can. OVERVIEWTeams play three matches head to head each week. Each match will have a 25 minute time limit if point total is not reached.First team to take 10 points wins the match.
Two players per team play each game (No coed or gender specific rules).

24 cards in the deck are used, six from each suit (A, K, Q, J, 10, and 9).All eligible teams make the playoffs (teams that have not abused the forfeit policies are eligible)Seeding: Teams are seeded according to points/winning percentage and strength of schedule.BEGINNING OF THE GAMEThe four players sit across from their partner at a table. 24 cards are used to play, six from each of the four different suits (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9). Each team is also given two cards to keep score with (one team gets either the 6 & 4 of hearts or diamonds; the other team gets the 6 & 4 of either clubs or spades). The game begins by dealing the cards face up and the first person to receive a black jack will deal first. After the first hand, the deal is always passed to the left (clockwise).DEALING THE CARDSThe player dealing the cards must always offer the player to the right the opportunity to cut the cards. Once the cards are cut if so chosen, the dealer will put the cards back together (placing the cut portion on top of the remaining cards).

The cards are then dealt to the left of the dealer, clockwise. The dealer must deal out all of the cards in two successive rounds, and only two rounds. Wooden block puzzle games. This can be done in several different ways, but the most common is to deal 2 cards to the player on the left, then 3 cards, then 2 cards, and then 3 to yourself. The second round would then be dealt 3 cards, 2 cards, 3 cards, and 2 cards.

You just need to remember that you must deal all of the cards within two rounds.This will then leave four remaining cards. These cards are called the “kitty.” If you do not have four cards left, you have mis-dealt, and your team will forfeit your deal to the person on your left. Any other calls for a “mis-deal” must be made prior to the top card in the “kitty” being turned over. Once everyone has their five cards and the four remaining “kitty” cards are left, the top card from the “kitty” is turned over. You are now ready to start.

(Note: “Stealing the deal” is allowed. This means that one team attempts to take the deal when it is not their turn.

It is up to everyone to monitor and keep track of when they are supposed to deal. If a team attempts to “steal the deal” they must be caught prior to the top card of the “kitty” being flipped over or else the deal is legitimate. There is no penalty or shame in trying to “steal the deal,” nor is there penalty in being caught. The deal is just turned over to the team that is supposed to deal in succession.)STARTING THE GAME/CALLING TRUMPWhomever dealt the cards will potentially have the opportunity to get the card that is facing up in the “kitty.” Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, each player has the option to have the dealer either pick it up or pass. Now, if your teammate is not the dealer, then you must remember that your team will not be getting whatever card is facing up.

Rather, your opponent will be getting that card (whomever was the dealer). This will continue until someone either tells the dealer to pick it up or passes. If it gets back to the dealer, they can either pick it up or turn the card over and pass.

If the dealer does pick it up or one of the other players tells the dealer to pick it up, then the suit of that card will be considered “trump,” and the dealer must discard one card from their hand.If the dealer turns over the “kitty” card, then the player to the left has the option to choose “trump” or pass. If the player decides to call “trump,” they cannot call the same suit of the card that was flipped over.

Once trump is determined play can begin. If everyone passes and it gets back to the dealer (called “screwing the dealer”), the dealer is forced to choose “trump.” Note: You want to decide on choosing “trump” on your particular hand as well as considering what your teammate might have to help you out. You are working with your partner as a team to try and win each round.Understanding the meaning of “trump” is the most important aspect of the game.

“Trump” is always set/determined before play begins. “Trump” is either the card that is picked up or another suit that is called if the “kitty” card is turned over. “Trump” is the most powerful or highest cards in that particular round/hand. “Trump” beats anything, except a higher “trump” card. The Jack of whatever suit is “trump,” is always the highest card (This is just how the game is played). Then the Jack of the same color suit (So, if the Jack of hearts is “trump,” then the Jack of diamonds is the second highest “trump”) is the second highest card.

Then it goes Ace, King, Queen, 10 and 9.These Jacks are considered the right and left “bowers.” It is really important to remember this concept. The Jack of whatever is “trump” is the right “bower”, and the jack of the same color is the left “bower.” Now, even though you may have a Jack, it doesn’t always mean you have “trump.” For example, if “trump” is hearts the Jack of spades and clubs is merely another card in that particular suit. It does not beat any other “trump.”You must also remember that once “trump” is established, the left “bower” (Jack of same color but not in the “trump” suit) is now considered to be “trump.” This comes in to play when someone leads another suit in a round. For example, if hearts is “trump” the Jack of diamonds is now considered a heart and the second highest card. If someone leads diamonds, you are not forced to play the Jack (even if it technically is your only diamond), because it is really considered a heart because hearts is “trump.” Confusing, but an important aspect of the game.PLAYING THE GAMEOnce “trump” has been determined it is time to start playing. The player to the left starts by leading with a card from their hand. There are various, personal techniques/strategies that people employ or use in determining what card to lead with.

The goal is to take as many of the five hands in a particular round, or “tricks” as they are called. The way to score points in the game is by taking the majority (3 or more) of the “tricks.”Once the player to the left of the dealer decides what card to start with each player one at a time, clockwise of the player, follows that lead. You must always follow suit, even if “trump” is led or it’s your only card of that suit. For example, if hearts is led, you must throw a heart. If you do not have a card of that suit, you can either throw a “trump” or something from one of the other suits, called an “off suit.” If you throw an “off suit” you will not win the “trick.” Remember, once again, that the Jack of whatever is the same color but not “trump” suit is not considered that suit any longer (eg. If the Jack of spades is “trump,” then the Jack of clubs does not need to be thrown if clubs are led – it is now considered a spade).Whatever card wins the “trick” (the highest card of that suit or the highest “trump” wins the “trick”),that player will now have the ability to lead. This process will continue until all five cards are dealt and the round is complete.

Whatever team took the most “tricks” will score points.SCORINGTeams score points by taking “tricks.” In order for a team to score they must do one of a few different things:Calling “trump” – If a team calls “trump” (either by having your teammate or yourself pick up the card from the “kitty,” calling it if the “kitty” card is turned over, or being “screwed as the dealer”) they must take at least three “tricks” to score. If they take three or four “tricks” they get 1 point. If they take all five “tricks” they get 2 points.Getting “Euchered” – If a team calls “trump” and they fail to take three or more “tricks,” thay have been “euchered.” The team that “euchres” the other team will receive 2 points. That is why it is always important to be confident when calling “trump.”
Going Alone – If a player has a particularly strong hand and feel that they can single- handedly win the round, they will “go alone.” They must state that they are going alone as “trump” is called and their partner sits back and does not play (no passing of cards, etc.).

Euchre for dummies

If the player sucessfully “goes alone” the points double. If they take all five “tricks” they get 4 points, but if they get “euchered” the other team gets 2 points. If the player fails to get five “tricks” but still gets three or four, then they will only receive 1 point.The first team to score ten points will win the match. There is no win by two or have to get ten exactly system, just first team to ten. Teams will play three such rounds/matches to ten each week.MISCELLANEOUSTeams will always play 3 rounds/matches.Subs/replacements are allowed during the regular season.There is never any passing of cards throughout the course of the game. Whatever you are dealt is the hand you play with, unless the other team misdealt the cards. “Stealing the deal” is allowed.You can lead whatever suit you wish, even if it is “trump.”.No signaling to your partner will be tolerated (eg.

Hands, code words, etc.). If any team is suspected of or caught signaling (“table talk”) it will result in point deductions, and will be considered for removal from the league.Players must always deal from the top of the deck.Any dishonest behavior will not be tolerated and could lead to expulsion from league play or forfeiture by your team.FORFEITS - Teams will forfeit the first game/match at 10 minutes after the start time, and the second game/match 20 minutes after the start time. Teams will forfeit the entire match and lose all three games if they fail to show with-in 30 minutes of the start time.

Teams that do not show up or only have one player will forfeit all 3 games of their match.No special rules like “Ace No Face,” “Farmer’s Hand,” “Partner’s Best, Poker for a Point,” etc. Will apply in this league. Only the stated rules will be followed.If a team does not follow suit, they will lose that hand and the other team will be given two points(four points if on a lone hand). Always follow suit!.If any rules need updating, insertion, or clarification throughout the season please contact the CCA representative and we will make a decision and inform the league of these updates.LEAGUE POLICIESGAMES:Each team will play 3 games to ten per week.

Games will be limited to 25 minutes each. Teams will play against their scheduled opponents each week.FORFEITS:Circle City Athletics will provide a staff member on-site to assist players with any problems or questions they may have.