2020-4-5  Rainn Wilson Biography - Affair, Married, Wife, Ethnicity, Nationality, Net Worth, Height Who is Rainn Wilson? Washington-born Rainn Wilson was born as Rainn Dietrich Wilson on January 20, 1966. He possesses American nationality. The talented Rainn. Rainn Wilson takes on Harry Mudd for 'Star Trek: Discovery' 'The Office' star Rainn Wilson steps into the iconic and comedic role of Star Trek con-artist Harry Mudd.

Tweets have surfaced on from actor Rainn Wilson’s account that mention eating human baby meat, draining blood from a child and the scarification of virgins.Rainn Wilson is an actor best known for his role in “The Office” as Dwight Schrute where he was also a writer. Wilson currently lives in Los Angeles with his fiction writer wife, Holiday Reinhorn, but they also happen to run a foundation in Haiti for disadvantaged girls named.Trending:embedded contentThe now deleted tweets are quite grotesque:WARNING, these are graphic:“What about human baby meat? RT what should i eat for dinner? I am thinking pasta?! (via @heidimontag)”-Jan 26 2010“Little concerned – this morning, found blood in my urine. Well, not ‘my’ urine.

The baby urine I wash my hair with.” -Oct 24 2011“I would totally f.ck a muppet.”- Aug 30 2011“Beautiful day for the ritual scarification of a virgin!” -July 9 2011“Joke: ‘How many clowns does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to screw it in and eleven to kidnap and chew on human babies.' ” -Nov 12 2009“If you want to punish a teenager, simply take away their cellphone!

And sodomize them with it.”-Sept 2 2011“The Catholic Church should set up a program where all the abused little kids are allowed to molest the priests.”-Mar 26 2010“I drained the blood out of a goth kid. Does that make me a goth by proxy?”-Oct 7 2011.The tweets have been deleted, but were archived in the comment thread of a tweet belonging to YouTube personality Jordan Sather (@JordanSather).Big League Politics spoke with Sather and he was unaware of the photo collage and was unsure which tweet it had been left on.The mass deletion of Tweets, James Gunn style, makes one wonder if Wilson used NBC News’ advice on how to get rid of all those pesky satanic and pedophilia laced tweets:How to delete old tweets.— NBC News (@NBCNews)Will these all be explained away as jokes, too? Time will tell.Support Big League Politicsproviding the latest marketing tips, news and tricks throughout the industry.Sourced by the guys.

Web Marketing Experts that know how to drive business uniquely using creative marketing methods, and self-sufficient social media strategies.via.

Tom Hanks is the Satanist pedophile king of Hollywood, and he's been hiding it in plain sight only as of the last few years.However, once you review the evidence, you'll understand that it is so blatant, so obvious, so exceedingly arrogant - that it's almost like he wanted to be caught. Just like James Gunn, Michael Ian Black, Rainn Wilson and now Rian Johnson (not the original spelling of his first name by the way, Ryan;b) these people enjoy bragging to the community about their exploits and 'conquests'.I'm confident after this post, this piece of shit will be over. He's already pulled several PR stunts since Weinstein's exposure as being the next Hollywood star to be outted, but as a joke - known forever as Hollywood's 'Nice Guy'.The thing that is apparent about Hanks is, as the common case with these people, they don't judge themselves.

They accept who they are, that they are sick - and this is who they will forever be. So because of that, they indulge in the sick humor and practice of mocking their public image as a not-so-subtle way of sharing who they really are.So enough pretense.EXHIBIT 1)His own fucking Instragram.Yes, just like the other celebs mentioned above, Tom Hanks' IG account is a glaring admission of some disgusting, dark psychology. The prevailing theme that dominates and monopolizes almost the entirety of his profile is featuring single discarded or lost gloves and shoes.

Often, they are childrens' gloves and shoes. On each one, he jokes with a tongue-in-cheek quip. Except if you take these captions.literally., you begin to understand how fucking demented this guy is, and the true implications of these posts. Ultimately, looking at things in a literal sense it will become how truly obvious this guy is about his demons. I think this probably happened around the time of The Da Vinci Code, and this is not who he's always been (but did have the potential to be).Please keep in mind, this summary will become very grotesque.

At some point, Hanks transformed into an absolute psychopath able to joke about an unspeakable violence with incredible indifference and even demented humor.For example:Caption: 'Why is the baby so fussy? Cold out there. Hanks is joking that whatever baby this article of clothing DID belong to, the baby was literally fussy.How about this one:Caption: 'That girl? Hopping around the park on one foot? Again, think literally.Another:Caption: 'Cold hand somewhere!

Hanx' Yes, literally.As your browse his posts, you'll see almost every single photo and caption are like this. In addition, he also features an ominous building in NY with no windows and asks in hyperbole 'WTF goes on here???' Well, you probably know better than us, Tom.In another, he features the album-art of a son's friend (who he himself is a fucked up artist) titled 'Sorry', featuring a little boy, eyes closed in a mask and looking dead. Why would Hanks feel compelled to promote this work, over all his other Entertainment peers? And you wouldn't think that the artists' fans are necessarily Tom Hanks' target-audience.

And why wouldn't someone like Hanks be worried about the backlash this photo could create? It all comes down to hubris.You'll have to browse the rest of the images yourself, but remember to have a literal perspective interpreting each. If you want to accept the excuse that Hanks just takes pics of random lost objects as a random joke, then I ask the same as what people asked of James Gunn's tweets: what's the fucking joke?.Also remember, it's as if each of these body-parts have been severed or disembowed at one point. That's where this summary turns grotesque.EXHIBIT 2)This one is too obvious. It's a sketch that has been re-circulating lately of Tom on the Jimmy Kimmel show that promotes and normalizes pedophilia. The sketch centers on the 'Ultimate Sexy Baby Pageant' and is littered with pedophilia.

The girl wheres a shirt that reads 'bosom buddies', there are banners and posters throughout advertising 'sexy baby' and the girl performs a provacative dance. At one point, it suddenly cuts to Tom yelling, 'POISON!!!' Then explains, 'Oh. That's the name of her favorite band.'

Poison is a little girl's favorite band? Or is he literally telling viewers poison is unsurprisingly a part of these pedophila acts? The girl ends her dance by singing the lyric that takes on a suddenly disgusting context by saying, 'Talk dirty to me!' To the applause of the adult-audience. You can pick out a million other disturbing things about this video, but that Hanks would even risk and jeopardize his public-image by participating in a sketch about a sexy beauty-pageant for little girls is beyond reprehensible and at the least, suspicious.

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But remember, they love the idea of showing this right in our faces. Now that the foundation is there, let's go in for the kill-shot.Beware.

When I came across this, I was paralyzed with fear and shock. It is beyond vile and grotesque, in that not only a major Hollywood star but TOM HANKS of all people would go on to laughably mock his 'nice guy' image and show the world he is a fucking psychopath. I'm talking on the level of not only being a pedophile, not only molestation, but pretty much the admission that he takes part in the violence and mutilation of children.EXHIBIT 3)DAVID S.

PUMPKINS - SATURDAY NIGHT LIVEThis sketch is only a couple years old. The premise is that a married couple are in an amusement-park ride like The Tower of Terror from Disneyland. The ride takes them to various floors, and each floor features a cliche scary Halloween act when the doors open - like a platter with a severed head, a demon-girl like The Ring, etc.Eventually, they come to Tom Hanks' character flanked by two skeletons and his name is David S.

The couple is naturally confused as this guy is not scary at all. It's LITERALLY supposed to be Tom Hanks.

What's scary about Tom Hanks.?) Hanks performs a dance with the two skeletons that includes mimicking grinding and rubbing up on each other, as well as him slapping their ass and the two skeletons moaning. When the couple inquires of who is this guy supposed to be, are they supposed to know him from somewhere, is he from something (they are rubbing it in your face), he just replies his name.When they ask what's the point of this vignette (literally asking, what is the point of this sketch), Hanks replies, 'To do this!!!' - and resumes his sex-dance with the two skeletons that Kate McKinnon has now called Beat Boys.

I.e., Tom Hanks is beating off two boys. He slaps their ass again and they moan. In addition, the sketch features Hanks doing a bizarre hand-gesture ritual by crossing his hands over and over again, while pointing with his thumbs (pointed thumbs up/down being a common pedophile symbol and gesture).

This crossing hand-dance has an even more disgusting meaning behind it as you'll find out (remember all the photos of the lost gloves and shoes?). The couple also asks why the two skeletons are involved and they admit, 'WE'RE PART OF IT!!!' Again, literally, these two actors (who also.wrote the sketch.) are admitting they are in on it. The third writer (Streeter Seidell) credited also has some perverted material online and one of his other SNL sketches is about a pizza-restaurant being raided after someone leaked information, like the Seth Rich incident. This one starred Aziz Anasari.So what we have is an SNL sketch that, like the Jimmy Kimmel one, is a further admission of Tom Hanks that he is a pedophile. What makes it so vile is how Hanks thinks it would be so funny to throw this in people's faces, mocking his 'Nice Guy' persona. I mean, the whole world thinks Tom Hanks is the most harmless, innocent guy in show-business when he is, in fact, one of the most evil to the point where he suggests the mutilation and murder of young children after raping them.EXHIBIT 3)DAVID S.

PUMPKINS CARTOON HALLOWEEN SPECIALI would recommend that you watch first before reading further. Too often we have people who make ridiculous accusations before someone sees something. Then, when they see it, they already know what to look for. I would suggest watching first and paying EXTRA SPECIAL ATTENTION to this special. The metaphors, allusions and symbols to me were basic and obvious enough.

It's insulting more people don't pick up on it.Still, this exhibit is by far the most incriminating and disgusting thing I've ever watched. Not necessarily because of all the obvious pedophile and satantic rituals featured in it, but because it is again a glaring admission that fucking Tom Hanks has been hiding in plain sight as the Satanic pedophile king of Hollywood. This cartoon was a 30 min. Rto 28 form. Halloween special that aired on NBC with Hanks doing the voice of the David S.

Pumpkins character he starred in before.I will tell you this first.This special is not funny. Not for adults, not children. There are no jokes in the special. There is no point to the special. It's built on the premise of the David Pumpkins character being as supposedly ambiguous and inexplicable as the initial sketch. E.g., Why is that his name? Why are you here?

What is it that you do? And so on.Except the sketch was clearly created as a further mockery of Tom Hanks public-image and is a complete confession of his Satanic alter-ego David Pumpkins and how he came to be.

It's all so fucking obvious.The sketch is narrated by an adult who says as a kid he encountered David S. The first fucked up thing about it only occurs 30 seconds in, when this adult Kevin goes to put a candle in his pumpkin and first says, paraphrasing, 'I first met him one Halloween long ago, when I was about AGE 11 OR SO. Oh, that wasn't good!!' He then mimics GIVING A BLOWJOB, but excused as some mistake with the pumpkin? Again it's the literal admission of saying that it wasn't a good experience meeting David Pumpkin and that he had to give a blowjob when he was eleven years old. For me, I don't think you can misconstrue the meaning of this whatsoever.

Nothing in these things is accidental, and the clear other allusions throughout the next 25 minutes make it just as obvious.The episode contines with Kevin as a little boy, telling his younger sister he doesn't want to get dressed up and go trick-or-treating. He's embarrassed. This is a metaphpor for grooming children into accepting being raped and having sex with adults. Kevin runs into his girl-crush on the street and because he's nervous, for some reason clammers, 'I'm a little tutu boy!' And runs off.He and his sister go to the pumpkin patch where David Pumpkins emerges from a rotted, spoiled pumpkin. The pumpkin recurs as a symbol for adolescents. So, in other words, the David Pumpkin alter-ego of Tom Hanks emerged from being a damaged little boy.

(He goes into detail how traumatizing his childhood was, at some points admitting he was forced to sleep in the same bed as his dad and father when moving up to seven different places that sounds like a tale of his father kidnapping he and his brother to get back at their mom when they were young, sadly.) His father is even depicted as a raging, orange tornado amongst the splattering of pumpkins.Once David Pumpkins emerges, the two children are naturally confused. They ask who is he, what is he doing there? David Pumpkins performs a song-number and in it, ADMITS 'I wasn't always this way, to be sure. I used to be the way that I used to be before.'

He then shows a head-shot of, well, young Tom Hanks really. Continuing: But as I'm sure that you've heard, some occurrences occurred, and on a night so strange, everything changed, and I became David S. What the fuck are they talking about? If you watch, it really doesn't make any fucking sense unless you consider it for its literal translation that Tom Hanks wasn't always so fucked up, but night encountered some strange shit (like Eyes Wide Shut??) and then became his Satanic pedophile alter-ego. It's a clear fucking admission.

Again, I reiterate that I think this probably happened during the making of the Da Vinci code movies, that he got forced into some bad shit. I mean, what the fuck did Tom Hanks witness and get into that would make him at whatever point in his adult life indulge so radically, as depicted in all of these exhibits, into this Satanic shit?This particular scene ends with the two skeletons from the sketch coming back (skeleton boys, so dead), and Hanks slapping their ass again and doing the sex-dance. Prior to this, when Hanks says he'll explain everything, that statement gets abruptly cut off just before the song-number. In other words, no, none of this will make any sense to you. This cutting-off of dialogue recurs in the episode as a way to say, Well yes this all makes - oh, no, it doesn't. The skeletons also repeat over and over, ad nauseum, they're part of it.

Again, they are in on it.As the episode continues, David Pumpkins returns to Kevin's home with him and is determined to get Kevin to go trick-or-treating (grooming him). Kevin says he doesn't have a costume.

David Pumpkins and the skeletons react with hyperbolic surprise (YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT??) and then dress him as a business-man named Carl Brenley.Does this make sense to you? Putting a kid in a costume of a boring businessman names Carl Brenley? Who the fuck is Carl Brenley? Who is it a reference to? Well, as the episode continues, David Pumpkins and the skeletons go trick-or-treating with Kevin and his sister by sneaking in through the neighborhood homes through their second-story windows, so the bedrooms of children, traveling on a magical pink ladder.That's right.

A magical pink ladder. Pink, being the classic symbol and color of virginity. During this part, they sing that on this (particular) night, Carl Brenley was very happy.So Carl Brenley being a clear reference to someone, I assume it's whoever got Hanks into this and maybe even raped him. I'm personally thinking Carl Reiner. Reiner has a horrid open secret of having raped his son Rob when he was a kid. Al Franken joked about it at Rob's own roast, and Rob doesn't even talk to his dad sometimes these days.

Rob also is rumored to have been the one to rape Corey Haim or Feldman, and there are interviews with all the boys from Stand by Me of discussing Reiner as a fucking weirdo who tried to make himself extra-comfortable on set witih him to the point of rolling around with them on set. Tom Hanks has worked with Reiner on multiple movies, and I wouldn't surprised that Carl Reiner and Rob were the ones to invite and indoctrinate Hanks, unless this all of course happened after Da Vince Code. Who the fuck knows.Anyways, the episode goes on to feature the Rain Coat Man. The Rain Coat Man is an evil old neighbor who is shown cutting tree-limbs using a pair of shears when children climb on his trees. And, just like that, the true nature of how fucking psychotic and Satanic Tom Hanks is becomes immediately apparent -All the pictures on his Instagram of children's lost gloves or shoes implying hacked off hands and feet.

Over and over again. And the crossing hand dance, mimicking shears cutting.

The criss-crossing of the blades to cut. As if this weren't enough, Hanks appeared in an earlier episode of SNL not long before that features him at the end using these very shears and repeatedly groping a woman:The Rain Coat man goes on to steal all the kids' candy, to the point where they are sobbing and it's actually hard to watch. Kids complain their 'candy' has been stolen and they will never get it back.

They've been raped and molested, and their innocence has been lost. Pumpkins are shown throughout the episode to crash to the ground and splatter.When Kevin tries to rally the kids that surely there is something they can do, the kids repeat several times, 'Uh, no. You're going to die.' Hanks even alludes to this at the end of the episode when asked if the children will ever see him again. He waits a moment and then shouts, NO, as in fuck no, obviously not. The kids are long gone.So Kevin urges David Pumpkin to somehow restore the kids' innocence (I mean candy) and David Pumpkins goes on some weird fucking flying torrent through the kids houses with a trailing pink vapor supposedly giving them their candy back. One part features a young child ravenously eating candy with it covering his face, probably alluding to the conversion of children into eventual molesters themselves.

(Remember the Podesta email where Winston Carney referred to her own child son as a 'vampire in training' If you don't think these Satanist don't raise their kids to become future Satanist, go look at Asia Argento's IG of her showing her son and daughter in non-stop Satanist sex-poses with the pedophile symbols super-imposed on their faces: ).Also in this special, David Pumpkins runs up to Kevin and pulls down his pants. To the natural confusion of his girl-crush, who is obviously creeped out by Tom Hanks' character.When it cuts back to adults Kevin telling this story, he starts shouting 'I NEVER LIE!!! Again, this is fucking literal. Kevin, the victim of Tom Hanks, is EXCLAIMING he never lies, as the victims of all molesters and pedophiles often have to do at the top of their lungs.

Kevin IS A VICTIM.At the end of the episode, young Kevin starts to conjecture the true meaning of Halloween. He gives a little boy's response, about the magic, to which Tom Hanks is zoomed in on and just rolls his eyes like, yeah, sure, whatever I don't give a fuck.

Kevin then continues, he was worried at first what people would think of him (the grooming) and confesses. I mean, you seem like a nice enough guy and you don't care what people think.And that's the lynchpin.

The literal confession that TOM HANKS seems outwardly like a nice guy, and he really doesn't give a flying fuck.So there you have it. Nothing will ever convince me that after this 30 minute retarded cartoon special that clearly exists for no other reason than to be a tongue-in-cheek admission produced by fellow creep and long time friend of Hanks, Lorne Michaels, that Tom Hanks is a fucking psychotic Satanist child murderer. The Instagram was sickeing enough, let alone this.If you want to watch Hanks and wife Rita Wilson fidget uncomfortably and try to joke the character off in an interview, all while both knowing the real reasons behind the character, you can watch the awkwardness in their faces here:As for the idea that how could they both be in on it? Hanks does nothing but joke about how his wife accepts him unconditionally.

The thing about people in these communities is that they learn to accept themselves and give in to the idea that yes, they are sick, they always will be, and there is nothing they can do about it. They have obsessions and compulsions and learn to live with it.Nice Hollywood ending for you. Thanks for posting this. The instagram stuff is really creepy. The write up mentions that it's almost as if they want to be caught. This leads to a couple of different conclusions.a) Hollywood has a bunch of psycho creeps in it, and they enjoy showing the world their sick inside jokes. This is the most rational and grounded explanation.

However, it does raise the question, why would millionaire celebrities risk everything just for a few lulz?Now there's another explanation that cranks the weirdness up to 11. This could be 100% disinfo, techno babble, but it could explain their weird behavior and what's really going on.b) The celebrities are being held in an advance hostage situation that goes beyond what any normal person can imagine. This guy claims the celebrities need help. They want to get out of the situation.

They can't speak out directly. They speak out through their symbols/music. It's a cry for help. If it's bullshit, then it's bullshit, but if you really want know what might be going on, then you might as well try to see the big picture. It's pretty far out.