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The cause of Dawnstar's nightmaresQuick Walkthrough. Learn of the nightmares of the people of.

Follow Erandur to the. Fight your way with Erandur to the library, and then find the book. Locate and drink in the laboratory. In the Dreamstride, find and activate the chain that will release the Miasma. Take the soul gem to stop the force field. Make your way to the sanctum and kill and.

Choose whether or not to kill Erandur.Detailed Walkthrough Restless Nights Upon entering you hear talk of the inhabitants suffering from terrible nightmares and lack of sleep. Even the Jarl himself is having trouble sleeping, and tension is high. Make your way to the, where you will find, a priest of. He warns that the inhabitants of Dawnstar are in terrible danger, as the nightmares are a symptom of having their memories stolen by the Daedric Prince. He explains that the nightmares are being caused by an event that happened in, a ruin located on the clifftop overlooking Dawnstar.

Dream Quest Homes

Erandur will prompt you to follow him to Nightcaller Temple to put an end to the nightmares. Temple of Doom. Erandur opening the wayMake your way with Erandur to the Temple, and speak to him once more outside the door. He will explain why the nightmares are occurring: Many years ago, a group of attacked the temple, which had been a shrine to Mara before being overrun with Vaermina's priests. To defend themselves, the priests released a gas called 'The Miasma', which the priests used to elongate their lives. The concentration of Miasma sent both the Orc invaders and the priests into a sleep that lasted for years.

After speaking to him, head inside the Temple. If you have a follower, the follower will not enter.There is a working shrine of Mara on the left side wall inside the ruined temple.

On the bottom shelf of the podium in the middle of the first room there is a book which activates the quest. Two inhabit the hall near the back, and a lectern on the raised area contains books. A novice-level chest is on the right side of the large carving on the back wall. Once the room is cleared, Erandur will unlock the carving with a spell, after which the wall will turn purple and reveal a doorway. Make your way through the opening and follow Erandur to the balcony overlooking the tower's inner sanctum.The inner sanctum contains the, one of Vaermina's artifacts. Erandur explains that the Skull has gained the ability to reach out to people without being wielded, and is stealing memories. The Skull must be destroyed in order for the nightmares to stop.

Follow him down the stairs, where you will meet two at the bottom. After confronting them, you will find the way ahead blocked by a force field. Erandur will say that there may be a way of opening it, but he would have to search for the answer in an alchemy book located in the locked Library upstairs. Luckily, he has a key—a leftover from when he was himself a Priest of Vaermina.

When the Orcs attacked, he had fled, leaving his companions to die, and in his shame over this, he turned to following Mara. Words of Power Follow Erandur back up the stairs and allow him to unlock the door to the library. The inhabitants—Orcish invaders and —will awaken and attack.


The Vaermina Devotees fight with lightning as well as conventional weapons, so a Resist Shock potion and other defenses against magic may be useful here. The library is split into two levels. The bookcases on the lower level make it quite a tight squeeze but provide useful cover from incoming spells.After all the enemies are defeated, Erandur will ask you to help find the book,. This contains the information needed to breach the inner sanctum. The majority of the books in the library are burnt, but a few remain intact. The Dreamstride is located on the upper level in the north-east corner of the room, on a lectern.

Take it back to Erandur, who will decipher the book and state that you must use a potion called 'Vaermina's Torpor.' This allows the taker to use dreams to travel across distances in the real world. As a Priest of Mara, he is unable to use the potion, but says that you will be able to do so. Only the unaffiliated or the followers of Vaermina can use it. To find the potion, go to the laboratory, which adjoins the library.

Mad Alchemist Follow Erandur to the laboratory, where you will encounter another Orcish Invader and a Vaermina Devotee. Continue down the corridor, and fight off more Vaermina Devotees and Orcish invaders. You may find it easier to back through the doorway and tackle the enemies one at a time; Erandur is quite capable of dealing with them. After they are defeated, you can look for the torpor—a tall red bottle located on the lower level in a bookcase near the northeast corner of the room.

Numerous other alchemical ingredients and potions line the shelves, and on the top level near to where Erandur is waiting, there is a copy of the, on a half-buried bookshelf. Speak to Erandur, and he will command you to drink the potion. It's a good idea to save your game here. Dreamwalker. DreamwalkerUpon taking the potion, you are transported to the inner sanctum in the tower, which you experience in a blurry, psychedelic vision. Two of Vaermina's Devotees are talking. Though everything is quite hazy, you can discern from what they are saying that you have traveled back in time to the moment of the Orc invasion of the temple.

One of the men addresses you as 'Brother Casimir', and asks if you are ready to release the Miasma.There is a clattering noise in the background. You cannot access your inventory or map while in the Dreamwalk, nor can you pick up items or fight; you will not get attacked, however. Scleroderma disease.

Reply that you are ready, then head down the corridor and into the dining hall. You will see battles and corpses along the way. Make a left into a bedchamber. Head up the stairs and then down the passage on the right. Navigate a winding path onward until you reach the upper level overlooking the sanctum.

Locate a chain with a large ring-shaped pull and activate it. This will release the Miasma. You will then awaken. Breaking the Barrier. Old friends, Veren and ThorekWhen your objective updates to 'Disable the Magical Barrier', take the soul gem from just to the left of the pull chain.

The forcefield will deactivate. Talk to Erandur, and he will report that you disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the barrier, and that you can now access the. Follow Erandur toward the Skull, taking care of several Orcs and Vaermina Devotees you will encounter along the way. You may confront some challenging battles here.

Hanging back behind Erandur and some strategic retreats can be an effective tactic, but you will likely face the powerful battleaxes of some of the Orcs on a few occasions, or the Devotees's shock spells, both of which can deal heavy damage. Erandur will pause if he begins to get very far ahead of you.When you are nearing the Skull shrine, there is an Orc lying in a room who is especially deadly. He won't wake up spontaneously, but if you try to search him, he will come to and say 'This better be good.' He's very hard to kill and can bring you down with a single strike, according to the skill level you play at. You can awaken him even after completing the quest.At one point, two Vaermina Devotees, and (the two conversing at the start of your Dreamwalk), emerge from the Skull's shrine and argue with Erandur.

Your objective becomes to defeat them as they attack you and Erandur. Defeat them, then Erandur will begin to take down a barrier protecting the Skull.

But as he does so, Vaermina will speak to you: 'He's deceiving you. When the ritual's complete, the Skull will be free and then Erandur will turn on you. Kill him now. Kill him and claim the Skull for your own! Vaermina commands you!'

Erandur calling upon the power of MaraAt this point, you can kill Erandur and take the skull, or spare him and take him on as a follower. Killing him is not considered a crime.If you ignore Vaermina's command, will destroy the skull and then offer to travel with you as a; he does not betray you as Vaermina would have had you believe. If you choose this option, you will be one Daedric Artifact short of the 15 you need for the Achievement. Obtaining two Artifacts from one quest will then be required, and the only way you can do that is by obtaining both the and the from the Daedric quest.After making your choice, the quest will complete. Whichever option you choose, the nightmares will be lifted from Dawnstar.

Notes. Unless has been replaced as of, this quest is one of two required to become. The suggested level of 18 is deceiving; that's the minimum dungeon spawning level. Many of the orcs will be hard to beat, even with armor and shield skills in the 60s. The two boss adversaries are always 1.25 times your level with no level cap. Erandur is 1.5 times your level (up to 50), so very difficult to defeat. If you are over-encumbered when you drink the Torpor, you will be over-encumbered for the entire flashback scene, and will be unable to access your inventory to drop items.

If, when exiting the Dreamstride, you don't disable the barrier and instead continue on to the skull yourself, Erandur will eventually teleport to the skull room, after a long walk through the dungeon in the opposite direction.Bugs To meet our site's higher standard of quality, this article or section may require cleanup. Objective 190: Take the Skull of Corruption200Finishes questI've made my decision, and allowed Erandur to live. The Skull of Corruption has been destroyed and Erandur has offered his services as a companion if I should ever need his assistance.Finishes questI've made my decision and Erandur has died by my hands. Unfortunately, the Skull of Corruption was destroyed before I could take his life. Such moments are the misfortunes of the indecisive.Finishes questI've made my decision and Erandur has died by my hands.

I now possess the Skull of Corruption and look forward to performing my duties for Lady Vaermina. The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 5, 10, 22, 40, 145, 148, 155, 190, 196. Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., ) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.

Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done. Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order.

Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages. If an entry is marked as 'Finishes Quest' it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest. On the PC, it is possible to use the to advance through the quest by entering setstage DA16 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e.

Go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest DA16.