Deserts, swamps, jungles, volcanoes- no obstacle is too great for the everyday heroes of! Whether it’s clearing a roadway, rescuing a citizen in need, rebuilding structures or putting out fires: every day, and every level presents a new challenge in the latest title of the Rescue Team series. However, even the most experienced of heroes can use a guide now and then. Allow the Rescue Team 5 walkthrough to come to your aid when unexpected challenges arise so that you, too, can be at your very best for those in peril.

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After all, time is of the essence when there’s people to be saved! Table of Contents.Getting Started: Basic Gameplay Game ModesWhen creating a new player, you will get to choose from three game modes: Normal, Multi-click, and Relaxed.

Normal mode will allow you to assign tasks only when you have free workers. Multi-click mode will allow you to assign tasks even when your workers are busy. Relaxed mode has no time limit- simply relax and have fun! Game mode selection is permanent.

If you want to change the game mode at any time, you will need to create a new player. LevelsEach level is represented by a traffic cone along a winding road on the main map. When hovering your cursor over a level, you’ll be able to see how many times you’ve completed it, as well as your times and scores. Completing a level successfully will allow you to progress to the next traffic cone and thus unlock the next level. Levels you’ve already completed will replace the traffic cone with a statue, as well as stars to indicate your score at a glance. ObjectivesA unique challenge awaits you in each level you play.

These objectives are shown in the upper right corner of your screen. Objectives will update as you work your way through a level. Once you’ve completed an objective, it will be checked off of your list. Complete all the level objectives within the time given to unlock the next level! ScoreYour score is determined by three factors: time spent, resources collected, and buildings built. If this sounds complicated, not to worry: You can easily keep track of how much time you have remaining via the colored bar in the upper left corner of your screen.

Complete a level before the bar runs empty to unlock the next one. Complete a level before the green portion of the bar runs out to obtain a 3-star ranking! ResourcesThere are four types of resources in Rescue Team 5: Food, Wood, Money, and Fuel. Your resource amounts are always visible in the upper left corner of your screen.

Each task you do requires resources. Resources may be obtained by clearing obstructions, as rewards for having certain types of buildings built (e.g. Burger Cafes, Lumber Mills, Houses, or Gas Stations respectively), or simply by gathering them sitting out in the open. Resource management is key in completing levels within the amount of time provided. WorkersEach level you play features workers. These handy heroes are responsible for helping you complete various tasks. By default, construction workers will be a part of your crew.

They’re responsible for gathering resources, maintaining buildings, and repairing or clearing structures. Other types of workers will become available as you progress through the game. Click on an object to assign a task to one of these workers.

Each type of worker has a home base from which they originate. Hat icons over these bases will let you know whether any extra workers are available that aren’t currently working on a task. Rescue Team 5 Walkthrough Level 1Rescue people: 3.

The goal of today is quite simple: Rescue three people unable to reach the main road on their own. This will act as your tutorial level. Pick up the Food and Wood resources on the left. Clear the obstruction on the first road leading up. This will free the man trapped here and give you access to another Food resource. Repair the bridge spanning the chasm heading down.

Clear the obstructions on the bottom road, and don’t forget to collect your food resources on the sides of the road. Repair the final bridge heading east-west across the chasm to rescue the final individual.Level 2Rescue people: 3.

This is the first level in which buildings are introduced. You will need to repair them in order to gain access to their resources. Burger Cafes produce food. In addition to a normal output which is automatically added to your resources, occasional bonus income will show up in front of the building.

You will need to click on it to have a worker collect it. Once the worker returns to their base with the resource, it will be added to your resource amount in the upper left corner. Repair the bridge to gain access to the second part of the level. From here, repair the House. Houses will provide you with Money resources. Clear the wood obstructions first, followed by the stone obstruction blocking the path.

Once the stone obstruction has been cleared, repair the final two buildings, a Burger Cafe and another House, in order to gain access to their resources. Clear the final Big stone to rescue the final individual.Level 3Rescue people: 5.

Construction sites are introduced in this level. Click on a construction site and select the building you would like to build here. For this level, you will want to build a House. Clear the stone and wood obstructions and gather the spare resources, starting with the southernmost roads and heading upward. Clearing the two northern obstructions will free up two more workers for your workforce.

Clear the Big stone to gain access to the second part of the level, where ordinary people are in need of rescuing. Once the Big stone has been cleared, you will no longer need Money as a resource. Click on the House to demolish it, then build a Burger Cafe in its place. This will provide you with more Food resources. Clear the obstruction blocking the way to the Wood resources first, then gather them.

Use your resources to repair the three Large bridges leading to the civilians to rescue them.Level 4Rescue people: 13. In this level, you will have access to an ATV. ATVs require the Fuel resource to work. Workers are among the people who need rescuing, but only the ATV can reach them. Rescuing these guys will allow them to work for you right away, giving you more helping hands to accomplish your goals. Restore the Gas Station to create a Fuel income for the ATV. Use the ATV to reach the workers whenever possible.

Clear the stone blocking the road leading to the right. This will allow you access to a construction site. Restore the Saw Mill and build a Burger Cafe on the construction site.

Clear the stone blocking the road leading south to gain access to two more construction sites. Build Burger Cafes on these sites to gain additional Food resources. Repair the bridges and clear the obstructions one by one to rescue the stranded citizens.

It’s easier to repair the wooden bridges than the Large bridge that’s broken up north.Level 5Rescue people: 6Rescue animals: 16. This level introduces animals. Much like ordinary people, animals are also in need of rescuing. However, unlike ordinary people, animals will wander, and require Food resources to capture. Make your way around the map clearing wood and small stone obstructions. Do not tackle Large stone obstructions: You only need to clear one to complete the level, so don’t waste your resources.

Build Burger Cafes and Houses on construction sites to increase your Food and Money incomes.Level 6Purify the basins: 2Rescue people: 2Rescue animals: 6. You cannot build Burger Cafes in this level. There are two waste disposal pipelines in this level which are dumping toxic waste into the water basins. You will need to click on them to have a worker shut them off. Purifying the basins will give you access to the piers.

Restore these to gain the ability to use boats to retrieve Food resources. The two people stranded are workers. Therefore, rescuing them should be your priority. Six animals will need rescuing. However, be aware that once the path has been cleared, the animals will begin to wander. Don’t lose track of them, or they will be more difficult to find.Level 7Rescue people: 2Rescue animals: 7.

Rescue team 5 - level 12

Doctors are a new type of worker that are introduced in this level. Hospitals act as their base, and they are required to cure sick people in need of rescuing. People who are ill will sit on roads and block them.

You will not be able to move past them until they are cured by a doctor. You will not be able to build Saw Mills in this level. All Wood resources are gathered by clearing obstructions. Click on pipeline valves to clear patches of fog. You will need to use Fuel on the generators in order to pump water off the any roadways that may be flooded. Collect the blueprint boosts to allow your workers to run faster for a short period of time.Level 9Rescue people: 9Rescue animals: 3.

You will be able to work out of two (construction) bases at once in this level. Freeing people from the obstructions blocking their path on the lower half of the level will allow them to run to the broken portion of the road. You will need to restore the pier and use the boat to save them before they will count as rescued. You will not be able to build Gas Stations in this level, so make sure you work with the resources you have. Restore the existing Gas Stations, but don’t demolish them.

Collect the blueprint boost to give your boat a speed boost for a short period of time.Level 10Rescue people: 13. Most of this level is obstructed by fog.

Click on the pipeline valves to disperse it. Building upgrades will become available for the first time in this level. Select a building and choose “Upgrade” to increase resource production output from this building. It will cost Wood resources to upgrade, however. Policemen will be introduced in this level.

Click on thieves to have a policeman come and drive them away. A thief may either reside within an establishment, or simply block a roadway. Thieves residing within a building will prevent that building from giving you resources until they’re driven out. Click on the money blueprint to temporarily increase your output of Money from Houses.Level 12Rescue people: 31.

There is a fire that is gradually spreading in the valley in this level. Using the Helicopter Pads to airlift people to safety is crucial.

Firefighters will be introduced in this level. Fire stations act as the home base for these workers. Firefighters are required to put out any fires which may be smoldering on the roads. The ATV is required to rescue workers trapped in the ravine on the lower left. Download steam games free.

Gathering the Wood resources here is not required. Gather the blueprints scattered throughout the area to give temporary speed and output boosts to your various workers and resources.Level 14Stop the oil leak: 2Rescue people: 12Rescue animals: 1. There are two oil leaks on this level which will need to be shut off in order to continue. Click on the pipeline valves to have a worker shut them off. There’s a doctor, a worker, and two firefighters (in addition to a cat) located on top of the plateau.

Save them with the helicopter in the following order to maximize your time: doctor, firefighters, worker, cat. You will not be able to build Gas Stations on this level. Fuel resources must be gathered from the surrounding environment.Level 15Rescue people: 3Rescue animals: 9Save money: 350.

Clear the path to the train station and repair the station in order to receive large shipments of food. Multiple areas of fog cover the map. Click on the pipeline valves to disperse them. Two workers are stranded in the water. You will need to repair the pier and use the boat to reach them. In addition to saving people and animals, you will need to save $350 to complete your objective, so be sure to have a House pulling in income.

This should, however, be your last priority.Level 16Rescue people: 6Rescue animals: 8. Saw Mills and Burgers Cafes cannot be built on this level. Collect debris in the water and clear obstructions from the road to gain Wood resources. The pre-existing Burger Cafe and Saw Mills are the only ones available on the level, so be careful not to tear them down.

Place priority on reaching the Burger Cafe so that it can be upgraded to turn a higher output of Food resources. Three of the six people stranded are located on a small cliff shelf toward the upper left corner of the map. They are easy to overlook, so make sure you restore the helicopter pad and rescue them in a timely manner.Level 17Rescue people: 10Rescue animals: 3. Send medicine to the people to the southeast before the doctor arrives.

Failing to do this within the allotted time period will result in the level needing to be replayed. Hover over the medical tent in the bottom left corner to view a timer showing the status of the people’s fevers. Gas Stations cannot be built on this level.

You will need to gather Fuel resources from the barrels on the road in the southern portion of the level. The hospital will need to be repaired, as well as doctors saved from the water, before sick people can be rescued.Level 18Rescue animals: 8Drive away thieves: 3. Click on the red valve on the large striped pipeline to clear the fog in the lower right corner of the level.

Gas Stations cannot be built in this level. Fuel resources can only be gathered after restoring the run down Gas Stations already in existence. Most of the animals in need of rescuing will need to be air lifted from the pit in the lower right corner of your map, so be sure to put an emphasis on Fuel resources.

Once an animal has been airlifted to safety, a worker will need to catch them before they will count as rescued.Level 19Rescue people: 11Drive away thieves: 5. This level features two bases you can work out of simultaneously. You will not be able to put out fires until you rescue the firefighter stranded in the water. To do this, you will first need to rebuild the pier. People rescued on the right half of the map will additionally need to be ferried by boat to safety before they count toward the rescued total. Gas Stations cannot be built in this level.

Fuel resources will need to be gathered from the environment and the single Gas Station already pre-existing, so be certain not to demolish it.Level 22Rescue people: 8Rescue animals: 7. Most of the people stranded in this level will suffer from a fever if they aren’t given medicine or rescued in a timely manner. Place emphasis on reaching them as quickly as possible. You will need Fuel resources to drop medicine in the event their fevers spike.Tips, Tricks, and HintsIn need of a few more tips and tricks, or perhaps just looking for a hint? Not to worry! This section will guide you through a few extra pointers to help you use your time in Rescue Team 5 most efficiently. Stack your tasks!- In Multi-click mode especially, you can click on multiple tasks even if you don’t immediately have a worker available to complete them.

This “stacking” can help you complete tasks in a more timely manner, especially if you need an extra moment to think. Blueprint bonuses go into effect immediately!- On levels which contain blueprints, which can boost your resource output or help your workers to move faster, it’s important to know when to use these. You don’t need to pick them up right away.

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In fact, you can ignore them entirely if you chose. Save these boosts for the moments in which you really need them: when you’ve got multiple workers that can benefit from it, or even just that extra push to finish the level on time. Unlike resources, blueprint bonuses go into effect immediately when gathered.

Demolish and rebuild!- The key to completing a lot of levels quickly is to know when to demolish a building and build a new one in its place. Keep an eye on your resource amounts and don’t hesitate to hover over remaining tasks or obstacles to see what their requirements are.

If, for example, you have two Burger Cafes, but none of your remaining tasks require Food resources, then there’s no point in keeping those two Burger Cafes. Instead, build something else in its place that will give you the resources you need. Animals tend to wander!- Try to keep an eye on the animals in the levels they appear in. Animals may initially be trapped behind an obstruction, but once that obstruction is cleared, they will wander anywhere and everywhere they can. An extra task to safely capture the animals is needed before they can be rescued, so be careful not to let them wander so far it may be difficult to find them again.

Know your objectives!- This may seem self-explanatory, however- each level has a unique objective, and sometimes you’ll be thrown a curve ball you haven’t seen before. Make sure you look at your objective every time you load a level so you know exactly what needs to be done to complete it. Not all levels rely 100% on rescues; some levels may require you to save up a certain amount of a particular resource.

Before demolishing buildings, know what you can build!- Some levels will have restrictions on which types of buildings you can build. Sometimes these levels will have the type of building you can’t build already built somewhere else in the level, e.g. You cannot build Gas Stations, but there is a Gas Station already there which may be restored. Check your resource requirements and make sure you don’t demolish these buildings if they’re needed for your objectives!. Prioritize!- It’s always important to know your priorities. For example, when it comes to tasks, you may have to choose between rescuing a person or gathering a resource.

If rescuing that individual is what helps you complete your objective, you should rescue them and not spend extra time gathering a resource you no longer need.We hope you’ve enjoyed our walkthrough for the first section of Rescue Team 5. Stuck at a certain level or need a little extra help? Let us know!Disclaimer: This Rescue Team 5 walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain hacks, cheats, or serials.

Join the world famous Rescue Team and set off on an adventure you'll never forget! Once again, people in peril are looking to the men and women of the Rescue Team to save them. Use your time management skills to work quickly to remove the obstacles that stand in your way, to rebuild ruined infrastructure, and most important of all, to free those in danger!As you make your way through a desert wasteland, snowcapped mountains, and a danger-filled jungle, saving lives and rebuilding cities with carefully planned clicks of your mouse, you'll earn over two dozen achievements that bear witness to your heroism!

Your journey will end at the foot of a rumbling volcano that's threatening to blow. Can you make it there and save the day in the explosive finale? Join the Rescue Team today and find out in Rescue Team 5!. Challenging levels. Simple mouse-based controls. Timed and untimed modes.

Vibrant, colorful graphics. Play. Rated 5 out of5 byEllaBee fromAnother Great Rescue Team Game I'm a fan of all the Rescue Team games. Where many time management games start to feel repetitive and the game play formulaic, I find these games always manage to find ways to increase the challenges so each new entry feels fresh and different. I like difficult time management games and while I wouldn't describe this as particularly hard, it's challenging enough that I have to play probably a third of the levels over to get three stars. I do feel that the simple graphics would turn off some people finding the game for the first time, but the game play quality is high and that's the most important thing.

Rated 5 out of5 bypennmom36 fromON MY WAY! I love Rescue Team Time Management games because it's different than most TM games. There are three modes of difficulty available, Normal (allows you to assign tasks only when a worker is available) Multi-Click (allows you to queue several tasks until a worker is available, and a Relaxed mode (no time constraints) There are 28 Achievements available and you can earn up to three Gold Stars for each level, any level can be replayed to achieve a faster score.There are the usual tasks like most TM games, collect resources such as food, money and wood, clear roadways of debris, fix potholes, and repair bridges and damaged buildings.

Because this is a Rescue game however, it's all about rescuing people from natural and manmade disasters. Once you have rescued somebody, they become a helping hand to allow you to get the work done faster.

People aren't the only ones that need rescued, you will be tasked with rescuing cats, dogs and other trapped or endangered animals as well!You need to construct buildings, sometimes in a specific order because Houses will earn money, Sawmills provide wood to repair and reconstruct, Burger Shacks provide food for the workers, Hospitals provide doctors to treat the sick and wounded, and Gas Stations provide fuel for ATV and Boat rescues. I always recommend planning a strategy before clicking the play button, you will be able to see most of the area on the field, and the timer doesn't begin until you click on the screen, so read the tasks list and at least plan the paths of least resistance. Rated 5 out of5 bysunbed fromExcellent. The best so far. I don't understand why there are some very grumpy reviews.

One person went on and on about having to build banks. There are no banks in the game!I loved the way you had to study the many people in need of rescue, and usually find out where the doctor/policeman/firefighters were before you could start rescuing the rest of the mortals who were either blocked by a thief, a fire, or too injured to run.Even in relaxed mode I found this game -once I reached the middle levels - very challengining. Highly recommended. And I, for one, did not miss all the wry comments from Margo and her burly team.Hope next game follows this new pattern. Rated 5 out of5 bybiscuitsmama fromJOIN RESCUE TEAM 5 FOR AN EXCELLENT TM EXPERIENCE Grab your helmet and board the engine for a great new adventure in Rescue Team 5 as you rush to the aid of those in trouble.The graphics are excellent and the characters and items to collect are distinguishable and a bit larger than in other TM games I have played. Of course the premise is the same because we have to complete tasks by removing obstacles so that we can rescue those in need of our help. We will collect various resources and build different types of buildings.

We earn up to three stars per level as we complete the tasks. Since there is a relaxed mode it is fairly easy to earn the stars without having a time limit. Not only can we earn those coveted stars, there are also achievements to be earned.Who knows maybe I am finding a new genre of games to play that seem to be quite a bit of fun. As far as TM games go this is one of the better ones that I have seen. I love the sound effects that accompany the game such as explosions, the sound of hammers used in construction, and then fireworks when we complete a level.

All in all Rescue Team 5 is an excellent game that has a lot of fun factor.Not having played the previous games in the series I am not sure how this one compares but I imagine it is fairly much the same. Recently, I have been playing a lot of TM games and find that they are very enjoyable to fill the time while waiting for a new HOPA release. If you haven’t played the TM games, there have been several very good ones released recently. Rescue Team 5 will be a definite purchase for me. I absolutely recommend that you grab your helmet and tools and jump into this excellent TM game. As always, try the demo first though to see if this is a game you will enjoy. Rated 5 out of5 bytatajojo fromGreat series, and this game doesn't fail the standard!

I would say that this game is more strategy than time management, although one doesn't go without the other.I like the fact that you have to think through your moves first before tackling the tasks.Very good challenges, great fun,the storyline is a tad repetitive but hey.what I would like to see as an improvement would be if the characters (doctors, firemen, sick patients, thieves etc.) had more charisma, looked funnier or mischievous.Altogether a very good game that I am recommending without reservation!