
Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities, in the original game of strategy and world domination! Play with classic rules or reign supreme with objective-based and world conquest scenarios as you command your army and take tactical gambles to win the day. 1 real time WW2 strategy game to be played in multiplayer. Play for free online or without download on mobile!

I purchased this game off of the PSN for $15.95 Australian dollars. Not sure how good that price is, seeing as Australians are often gouged for digital content in comparison to their overseas counterparts. Don't think I had ever heard of this game before.has its origins as a boardgame. The free trial version of this game was addictive enough for me to purchase the full game.

Source: a digital download on the Playstation Network. Genre: Military strategy. Graphics: Cartoony cutscenes. Audio: the 'Campaign' mode has some amusing voice acting. Gameplay: - Two forms of the game included.the 'Classic' mode, with the world map and the 'Campaign' mode with different species fighting each other for domination of the game's world.which doesn't look like Earth.

The Campaing mode has five levels, you unlock every level bar the first by winning on the starting level and subsequent levels too. After you've unlocked all five levels, you can choose to play any level you like, whenever you like. The 'Classic' mode also has variants drawing on the elements of the 'Campaign' mode.the same factions, for instance, or new gameplay features, like achieving three objectives to win.things like controlling all the other factions' capitals whilst still controlling your own capital. Playing time varies according to the level you choose to play at or how many factions you want in your game (there are five factions, with four being A.I., although the game does have an online mode, where you could battle against four other humans, if you wish. I haven't tried that, so I don't know how many people play this game online.

Solo play is very much pick up and play.the level determines how much time to expect the game to last. On the highest levels I suppose games can last between one and two hours. Easier levels might take around 20 minutes to complete. The aim of the game is to invade your enemies' territory and control it. This is done by rolling up to 3 virtual dice.

This brings an element of luck to the game.so, it's just not pure strategy. There are 'power ups' type of features in Campaing mode.like winning the ability to have an extra die when you attack or defend, or to add one to whatever you roll.Good about the game: - Pick up and play - Game choices to suit your desired playing time - Childish humour and general humour in Campaign mode.but you'll skip these after you've seen them once.they're not integral to the game. I like the power ups in Campaign mode.they can equalise the game for you whilst you get the hang of the game. There's a powerful element in the final level, where you can turn enemy soldiers into your own.Bad about the game: - The map isn't clear as far as knowing what your enemies have and where.in Campaign mode that's things like crypts.they're important in the game, but the 'Objective' symbols are hard to see clearly, let alone differentiate from each other. The game could really use a 'Skip' feature.you have to wait for the A.I. To take its turn.

I don't see why. One of the power-ups is so overpowering that it guarantees you victory, practically, if you possess it.I mean the ability to turn enemy soldiers into your own. The rules aren't clear or provided in the game. I would have liked more information, which wasn't provided. I did enjoy playing the final level in Campaign mode and made full use of the overpowering power-up in it. However, I kept winning the game without realising why.

I was desperately trying NOT to win, without success! I wanted to control 100% of all the territory by annihilating all the enemies, but for some reason it never happened.the game would stop and announce me as the winner! Maybe that's bad or fuzzy logic by the game, or the rules not being extensively outlined in the game. In Classic mode, the enemy had no problem controlling 100% of the territory! Will drag out the game when it is in a winning position and SHOULD totally annihilate you in short time. That is really boring.you want the game to end because you see you can't possibly win, but the A.I.

Never wipes you out in one go, even though it can. I suppose the A.I.

Is doing to me what I am trying to do in the final level of the Campaign mode, and can't for some reason.I haven't played the final level of Campaign mode of late, due to me not being able to suss out how to control 100% of the territory. Been playing Classic mode recently, sometimes with the new elements from Campaign mode. However, I do think that the 'vanilla' version of Classic mode might be where I choose to spend my time. Initially I found it impossible to win that, sometimes being runner-up. I have started beating that of late.

I did see a trophy for 'Iron man', but I have no idea what that means!

Headtracking:-Freepie (Android app)-Freepie (PC app)-xoutput plugin for Freepie-SCPServerBasically you need to write a script to read the Android app's positioning data and translate it to an Xbox 360 controller. Keep talking and nobody explodes vr. I have it set so when L2 is pressed you can rotate the bomb, and otherwise it head-looks.I will do my best to answer any questions posted and I am doing my first field test with other people tomorrow!Here's my script (WIP-I don't know python so there's probably a bunch of errors in here). Hi errational! Then by redirecting the output to a second fake controller you can emulate moving the right analog stick to look around.