Gemstones are small pieces of mineral crystal or similar hard substance prized for their appearance and rarity. Gemstones have a wide variety of physical traits, including size, hardness, color, and translucency. Some have streaks or patterns running through them, while others are pure. Over one hundred varieties of gemstones have been identified and named. The information listed here is provided for those rare occasions when your character may need to carry an exceptionally large gem or a very large number of gems. In the real world, gem sizes do not determine weight. The density of gems varies from very light stones like opal to especially heavy stones like sphalerite or zircon. Template:Tocright There are many templates in use in Dungeon Gems Wiki; these are only a subset, representing some of the most important and commonly used ones. If you feel that a template belongs on this page, do not hesitate to add it. Category:Templates should cover all templates in the wiki. Welcome to the Dungeon Gems Wiki Dungeon Gems is a popular Puzzle RPG game for iOS and Android. Want to help? It is recommended to be logged-in, so you can earn Badges! All game related images and info to do with Dungeon Gems on this wikia are ©Gameloft Game Concepts Heroes. Dungeon gems characters This is the base category for templates. Templates should be placed in appropriate subcategories. See Project:Templates for collated information on templates.

Job's Loss, Job's Gain: Our Suffering, Our Pain, - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith!

Memory Verse
'All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together.' Colossians 1:16b-17

Why would we hear the story of Job while studying stories from Genesis? Most biblical authorities believe, based on subject matter and language, that Job was a contemporary to the patriarchs. Job fits chronologically into this period in history.

The suffering of jobThe Suffering Of Job

Job was a wealthy man who loved God. At the beginning of the book, God allows Satan to test Job’s faithfulness. Job lost everything, and he asked God why these things were happening. God answered Job, and His response reveals that God alone is all-powerful, sovereign, and good.

“Have you ever in your life commanded the morning or assigned the dawn its place?” (Job 38:12). God has. He is all-powerful. “Does the eagle soar at your command?” (Job 39:27). It does at God’s. He is sovereign. “Who provides the raven’s food when its young cry out to God?” (Job 38:41). God provides. He is good.

Everyone suffers—those who follow God and those who don’t. While the Book of Job speaks volumes to the problem of human suffering, it is also an important picture of how a suffering person should relate to God. Job didn’t understand his suffering and he even doubted God, but Job’s suffering ultimately brought him closer to God. God is always in control, even when His people can’t see the reason behind the suffering God allows. Warlight mobi.

As you share with your kids this week, help them see that following Jesus is worth it. God is good, present, and in control. We can trust Him even when we don’t understand the pain we have to endure. At the cross, God used the ultimate pain to bring about the ultimate good: our future and final salvation from sin.

Job learned that God is all-powerful, sovereign, and good. When we face suffering, we can hope in God. God sent Jesus, the only truly innocent One, to suffer and die so that everyone who trusts in Him can have forgiveness and eternal life.

Family Discussion Starters
Why do people sometimes suffer?
How can we trust that God is still good, even in suffering?
When will all suffering and pain end?